This project requires Python and the following Python libraries installed:
NumPy Pandas matplotlib scikit-learn spacy xgboost nltk gensim asyncio
You will also need to have software installed to run and execute a Jupyter Notebook
To see the detailed package installations, please use requirementst.txt and run code below in terminal: -> pip install -r requirements.txt
If you do not have Python3 installed yet, it is highly recommended that you install the Anaconda distribution of Python3, which already has the above packages and more included.
DataCleaning.ipynb -- Data Cleaning includes useful information filtering; clothes categories filtering; removing of html formats, digits, punctuations etc.
DataPreprocessing.ipynb -- removing stop words, tokenizition and lemmatization.
DataLabelling.ipynb -- labelled data with pre-defined style-brand lists by LCF groups as well as manually labelled by using Labelbox.
TFIDFs.ipynb -- use gensim to get tfidf vectors to weight the embeddings as well as been used to train on the model directly.
Word2Vec.ipynb -- use gensim to get word2vec embeddings with different dimensions, and use tfidf vectors to weight the embeddings. The description embeddings are represented as averaging weighted word embeddings.
Doc2Vec.ipynb -- use gensim to get document/description veoctors directly.
FastText.ipynb -- use gensim to get fastText word/term embeddings, and then use weighted word embeddings (by tfidf) to represent description embeddings.
pretrainedembeddings.ipynb -- use pre-trained word embeddings by googlenews to represent descriptions.
kmeans.ipynb, kmeans_nap.ipynb, kmeans_nap_googlenews.ipynb -- use kmeans clustering algorithms to cluster the descriptions embeddings.
dissimilar_desc_kmeans.ipynb -- use the clustering results to find the most dissimilar products/styles
PseudoLabelling.ipynb -- use pseudo labelling to give approximate labels based on the basis of labels.
multilabel.ipynb -- use the approximate albels to do multi-label classifications.
In a terminal or command window, navigate to the top-level project directory boston_housing/ (that contains this README) and run one of the following commands:
ipython notebook notebookname.ipynb or
jupyter notebook notebookname.ipynb This will open the Jupyter Notebook software and project file in your browser.
Data used in this project is scraped from,,