This repository contains the files for the execution of a Reinforcement Learning algorithm, i.e. the Deep Q-Learning algorithm, for the navigation of a robot, the TurtleBot3, in a simulated environment in Gazebo, using ROS.
The project consists of the following files:
which is the main file that contains the details of the DQN architecture, all the calls to the OpenAI ROS library and the function for saving the datasrc/my_turtlebot3_openai_example/config/my_turtlebot3_openai_deepqlearn_params.yaml
which contains all the parameters for the DQN architecturesrc/openai_ros/src/openai_ros/task_envs/turtlebot3/config/turtlebot3_world.yaml
which contains parameters related to the TurtleBot3 enviromenttraining_results/
contains the folder related to all the experiments conducted. Each folder contains:plot.png
image containing the three plots relating to cumulative reward and total time, with the data not normalizedplot-std.png
image containing the three plots relating to cumulative reward and total time, with the normalized dataresults-date.json
file containing all the parameters used in the experiment, plus the results obtained
The project contains also RobotControl_slides.pdf
which is a presentation that describe that work done in this project