Have you had a good experience interacting with Brightspace?
We sure haven't!
So, like true computer scientists, we made a discord bot which interacts with BoilerKey 2FA, stores users in json files, and pulls user assignment info from the Brightspace API!
This bot is made to be implemented on a class group chat server, where an admin tells it what class it's working with, and where the bot will addusers for all of the members on the server.
From here, the sky's the limit! We have implemented the authentication steps with a schedule/todo list in the works, and big plans for things like group quiz reports, individualized todo lists with average assignment completion time, an assignment link generator, and much much more!
This is a discord bot, so in order to use it for yourself, you'll need to clone this repo and make a new bot at https://discord.com/developers/applications Then follow the steps to get your bot running on a server, and whenever a new member joins it will dm them and auto authenticate them! Then you won't have to do that again.
From there you are free to use the plethora of bot commands to configure your class groupchat and take pride in knowing you've bested Brightspace!