Aldric Khoo's Germline Lung Cancer Analysis
Supplementary Table 1: Datasets of Hi-C analysis from CoDeS3D
Supplementary Table 2: Data sources of g:profiler for functional enrichment analysis
Supplementary Table 3: List of literature relevant for the identification of significant LC GWAS SNPs
Supplementary Table 4: Number of LC GWAS rsIDs obtained from relevant literature
Supplementary Table 5: Number and source of LC GWAS related rsIDs obtained from GWAS catalogue, Bossé and Amos (2018), and pubmed search
Supplementary Table 6: Output of Hi-C connections
Supplementary Table 7: SNP-gene connections supported by significant eQTL associations (FDR<0.05)
Supplementary Table 8: Rearranged SNP-gene connections supported by significant eQTL associations (FDR<0.05)
Supplementary Table 9: List of significant eQTL genes involved in LC
Supplementary Table 10: Functional enrichment analysis of significant LC eQTL genes
Supplementary Table 11: List of significant eQTL genes involved in LC excluding HLA genes
Supplementary Table 12: Functional enrichment analysis of significant LC eQTL genes, excluding HLA genes
Supplementary Table 13: List of significant eQTL genes involved in LC, excluding HLA and immune related genes
Supplementary Table 14: Functional enrichment analysis of significant LC eQTL genes, excluding HLA and immune related genes