v1.3 - The Internationalization Release
rom-properties 1.3
New features:
- Internationalization. The GNU gettext library is used to provide
translation support for most of the UI. This version includes a
complete pt_BR translation from Null Magic, and partial ru and
uk translations from Egor. - MMX/SSE2/SSSE3-optimized byteswapping functions.
New texture formats:
- Khronos KTX
- Valve VTF
- Valve VTF3
New systems:
- ELF (Executable and Linkable Format) [includes Wii U RPX/RPL]
- game.com (Tiger Electronics)
New compressed texture formats:
- Ericsson ETC1 and ETC2
- Variations of S3TC compression, including RGTC and LATC.
- DXT1 with and without 1-bit alpha. Only VTF supports selecting this;
for other texture formats, DXT1_A1 is used.
See NEWS.md for the full list of changes.
The Ubuntu packages have been moved from GitHub downloads to an Ubuntu Personal Package Archive. Builds are now available for Ubuntu 16.04 "Xenial" Xerus and Ubuntu 18.04 "Bionic" Beaver.
To add the PPA and install rom-properties, run the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gerbilsoft/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install rom-properties-all
This will install all rom-properties frontends and executables. Individual frontends can be installed by installing the relevant rom-properties-* package.