three types of scheduling
- Fixed rate
- Fixed Delay
- Cron : most important job
--- Need to describe the configuration class with @EnableScheduling annotation and @Configuration annotation this config class can be empty
sytax: @Configuration @EnableScheduling public class Class_Name(SchedulingConfig:usually){
--- add @Component class with Logs and other tasks to perform make sure access modifiers are public and return types are void if not it will just skip the results
public class FixedRate_Class{
task stmts;
--- for corn jobs we have to annotate the methods from component class with @Scheduled annotation this annotation takes the argument like the bash cron syntax need to specify into "" colons
like : @Scheduled(cron ="*/5 * * * *") public void task(){ stmts; }
0*/2*** 0= Second (0th second of the minute) */2 =Minutes (Every two minutes)
- = Hours (Every hour)
- = Day of Month (Every Day of the month)
- = month (Every month) ? = Day of the week (any day of the week)
- specify the thread Scheduler configurations
@Configuration public class threadSchedularConfiguration{
@Bean public TaskScheduler taskScheduler(){
ThreadPoolTaskScheduler taskscheduler = new ThreadPoolTaskSchduler();
return taskscheduler;
} }