Output a htmlString(based on marked) and a navString (based on the hierarchical relationship of headers'[h1, h2, h3])
npm install markdown-to-nav
- Use with a config file:
mdToNav generate -c md-to-nav-config.js
module.exports = {
inputAndOutputConf: [
inputFileName: "./a.md",
outputContentName: "./output/a.html",
outputNavName: "./output/a_nav.html",
inputFileName: "./b.md",
outputContentName: "./output/b.html",
outputNavName: "./output/b_nav.html",
nav: {
levelStart: 2,
levelEnd: 3
marked: {
options: {
gfm: true,
tables: true,
breaks: true,
pedantic: false,
sanitize: false,
smartLists: true,
smartypants: false
renderer: {
heading: function (text, level, raw) {
let id = this.options.headerPrefix + raw.toLowerCase();
// 针对情况 #### <a name="msg"></a>msg
if (id.indexOf('</a>') != -1) {
id = id.replace(id.slice(id.indexOf('<a'), id.indexOf('a>') + 2), '');
return '<h'
+ level
+ ' id="'
+ id
+ '">'
+ text
+ '</h'
+ level
+ '>\n';
md-to-nav-config.js (defaultValue)
module.exports = {
nav: {
levelStart: 2,
levelEnd: 3
marked: {
options: {
gfm: true,
tables: true,
breaks: true,
pedantic: false,
sanitize: false,
smartLists: true,
smartypants: false
renderer: {
heading: function (text, level, raw) {
let id = this.options.headerPrefix + raw.toLowerCase();
// 针对情况 #### <a name="msg"></a>msg
if (id.indexOf('</a>') != -1) {
id = id.replace(id.slice(id.indexOf('<a'), id.indexOf('a>') + 2), '');
return '<h'
+ level
+ ' id="'
+ id
+ '">'
+ text
+ '</h'
+ level
+ '>\n';
- Minimal usage:
mdToNav generate -i input/a.md -o output/content.html -n output/nav.html
.option('-h, --help', 'input:指定输入的MD文件路径, outContent:指定输出的内容.html文件的路径, outNav:指定输出的导航.html文件的路径')
.option('-i, --input <input>', 'input: Path of the markdown file')
.option('-o, --outContent <outContent>', 'outContent: Path of the markdownString')
.option('-n, --outNav <outNav>', 'outNav: Path of the navString')
.option('-c, --config <config>', 'config: Path of the config file')