This project is a Traffic Light Simulation using SDL3.
It simulates vehicles queuing and dequeueing based on traffic light changes which has priority lane AL2
- Traffic Light System (changes every few seconds)
- Vehicle Queue (randomly generated & dequeued on green light)
- Intersection with 3-Lane Roads
🚗💨 Built with C and SDL3.
The Generator works properly:
The Data is Successfully parsed in simulator side
Simulation: It works upto the switching of lanes, dequeue implementation and lights remaining:
The vehicle generator continuously runs and generates vehicle data. It assigns a vehicle a unique ID, entry lane, exit lane, direction, and movement state. The data for each vehicle is written into a file (e.g., AL2.txt
Entry lanes: L1 (incoming lanes), L2 (outgoing lanes with traffic control).
Exit lanes: L3 (outgoing lanes).
Direction: North (N), East (E), South (S), or West (W).
The generator simulates the behavior of vehicles by randomly selecting entry and exit lanes, speed, and direction, and writes the data to a file.
The traffic simulator reads the vehicle data from the file(s) generated by the generator and simulates the movement of the vehicles through the lanes. It processes the vehicles, moving them from one lane to another according to predefined traffic rules.
L3 lanes always go to their left lanes:
- AL1 → BL3
- BL3 → CL1
- CL1 → DL3
- DL3 → AL1
L2 lanes can either go straight or turn right:
- AL2 → CL1 or DL1
- BL2 → AL1 or DL1
- CL2 → AL2 or BL1
- The generator writes the vehicle data to a file (./data/vehicles.txt), which is continually updated as new vehicles are generated.
- The simulator reads the file and processes the vehicle data line by line.
- The vehicle data format written to the file is as follows:
Vehicle ID: 2, Entry Lane: DL2, Exit Lane: CL1, Direction: W
- Clone this github repo
git clone
Make sure make command works on your local machine
- Steps to run the program
Initially clear the data from (./data/vehicles.txt)
then run:
after open a terminal and paste this:
then open another terminal and paste this:
This will help you run the program.