Release 1.5.0 Verification Form Improvements, Main Categories, Multi Filters
What's Changed
Finalize integration with twitter Oauth by @mohammadranjbarz
Add additional logs when updateDonationStatus fail by @mohammadranjbarz
Add main categories logic and entities and relate them to subcategories by @mohammadranjbarz
Add filters by main categories by @mohammadranjbarz
hotfix - Allow projects to only have one recipient address per network, max 2 recipient addresses by @mohammadranjbarz
hotfix - Allow currencies to have numbers in the name by @mohammadranjbarz
hotfix - Fix verification form last step and confirm email triggers form next step by @CarlosQ96
Add multi filters mutation functionality by @CarlosQ96
Add givingBlocks new filter by @CarlosQ96
hotfix - Add wallet addresses relation info to project exporting csv functionality in adminbro by @CarlosQ96
Add backward compatibility to filters and main categories by @CarlosQ96 and @mohammadranjbarz
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