Investigating the Meross MSS310 Smart Plug for puspose of utilising our own MQTT servers.
The board has a serial connection @ baud 115200. It appears to be running a custom shell on top of a unix like OS. Other than the provided commands, there looks to be no way to get further info about the OS.
F1: 0000 0000
V0: 0000 0000 [0001]
00: 0006 000C
01: 0000 0000
U0: 0000 0001 [0000]
T0: 0000 001B
Leaving the BROM
set CP10 an CP11 Full Access
hf_fsys_ck freq=191997
read update info from 0xeee00
read update info from 0xeee00
exit: bl_fota_is_triggered 627
Jump to addr 0x8012000
sleep locked.
normal bootup
No 32k crystal
[T: 128 M: common C: info F: system_init L: 353]: platform:MT7682-E3.
[T: 128 M: common C: info F: system_init L: 354]: system initialize done.
system up:0
[T: 128 M: mrs_main C: info F: mrs_main_task_init L: 224]: main task init ok
Last reset reason:HAL_WDT_SOFTWARE_RESET
meross watch dog start
cmd id 0xdd -- 0x0 seq 0x0
===> rt2860_close
#### Meross IOT running... ####
cmd id 0xdf -- 0x12 seq 0x1
PhyMode=14, BW=0, BssCoex=0, 40MHzIntolerant=0, CH adjustment NOT required!
ap upxx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
[T: 140 M: mrs_main C: info F: mrs_main_proc L: 89]: event system up
[T: 141 M: mrs_reset C: info F: mrs_reset_start L: 83]: button reset enable,max count[60]
[T: 141 M: mrs_timer C: info F: mrs_timer_task_WTBL1 for cli[255] fail
Response MAC=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
Event 0x30 not handled
TxPower = 160
auth:0, encrypt:1
[T: 144 M: mrs_atf C: info F: mrs_autooff_task_init L: 820]: autooff task init ok
[T: 144 M: mrs_http C: info F: mrs_http_handle_event L: 29]: meross httpd handle start
[T: 152 M: mrs_timer C: info F: mrs_timer_nvdm_load_rules L: 556]: load 0 rules
[T: 153 M: mrs_http C: info F: mrs_http_handle_event L: 33]: httpd status = 1
[T: 153 M: mrs_http C: info F: mrs_http_server_start L: 159]: meross http server init success.
[T: 156 M: mrs_atf C: info F: mrs_autooff_nvdm_load_rules L: 712]: load 0 rules
[T: 198 M: mrs_main C: info F: mrs_main_wifi_init_done_handler L: 34]: WiFi Init Done: port = 1
? - show the comands available
ip - show current IP config
stat - show statistics
meross - meross module tools
config - user config read/write/reset/show
reboot - reboot
ver - f/w ver
$ ip
interface: lo0
mode: static
interface: ap1
mode: static
interface: st2
mode: static
$ meross
incomplete command, more options:
hw - hardware info
fw - firmware info
net - network info
task - task info
mem - heap info
time - time info
sun - suncal info
e2p - e2p info
ping - ping tool
power - energy info
scan - scan wifi
switch - switch
led - status led
crash - crash test
fac - fac info
test - hw test
iot - iot command
$ meross hw
hardware info
model :mss310
local :us
hw version:2.0.0
chipset :mt7682
uuid :xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
mac :xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
UUID seems to be the same one used in communications with the Meross Cloud.
$ meross fw
firmware info
fw version:2.1.7
buildDate :2018/11/08 09:58:45 GMT +08:00
$ meross net
network info:
ip: :
cmd id 0xd5 -- 0x0 seq 0x5
cmd id 0xd2 -- 0x0 seq 0x6
router mac:xx:x:xx:xx:xx:xx
In an unpared state, the route mac address is set to the device's mac address.
$ meross task
task info:
name | status | prio | stack | id
cli R 7 748 10
IDLE R 0 235 11
Tmr Svc B 19 468 12
mrs_main B 5 848 2
mrs_atf B 4 808 14
mrs_timer B 4 800 13
httpd_proc B 4 931 15
lwIP B 6 457 8
inband B 6 956 3
fw_agent B 6 987 5
SYSLOG B 1 89 1
net B 6 942 4
wfw B 6 238 6
dhcpd B 4 147 9
Is a list of currently running processes. Not certain if this is useful, perhaps for debugging during firmware testing.
$ meross mem
heap info:
free: 83536
low: 80496
Amount of memory used from the 180K available. Again probably most useful in debugging new firmware.
$ meross time
time info:
local time :Thu Jan 1 00:08:57 1970 ,local offset:0
utc timestamp:537
system uptime:0h8m57s
Shows the currently set time information. I assume this is set during device paring, on on first connection to the MQTT server. I think this information is used for schedules when the device is unable to connect to the cloud.
$ meross sun
sunrise 05:59
sunset 18:07
Current location of the device in the world and the sunset/rise times of that location. I think this information is used for schedules when the device is unable to connect to the cloud.
$ meross e2p
meross e2p uuid - read uuid
meross e2p uuid {uuid} - write uuid
meross e2p mac - read mac
meross e2p mac {mac} - write mac
Get and Set the UUID and MAC of the device. Probably used during manufacture of the device, though I'm usure why the option to write this information is available out side of Factory Mode.
$ meross ping
$ [T: 1117837 M: ping C: info F: ping_send L: 194]: [ping]: ping: send seq(0x0001)
[T: 1117837 M: ping C: info F: ping_recv L: 256]: [ping]: ping: recv seq(0x0001), 1 ms
Pings the specified host. Useful for testing connectivity to the outside world.
$ meross power
v:0 (ratio:188)
i:0 (ratio:100)
pulse unit:0
max current:0
report status:todo
report time[0] 00:00
report time[1] 00:00
report time[2] 00:00
--------------history data----------------
no data
Current energy data from the HLW8032 chip. It seems that some histoy is stored on board.
$ meross scan
6 VM0000000 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx 9 8 -21 1 0 0 0
[MRS Scan Event Callback]: Scan Done!
cmd id 0xd8 -- 0x0 seq 0x3b
Performs a WIFI scan. Interesting that this can be done from the device. This tells the app what AP's are available near by to that it could connect to. This makes sense as the location of the device may not be the same as the App.
meross switch <uuid> on/off
External power is required to run the relay, which is not recommended while serial is connected. My assumtion is that it controls the relay, but why is the device UUID needed? Can we control other devices from this one?
$ meross led
meross led red/green on/off/quick/slow
Change the LED states. However the LED states seem tied to internal conditions as the LED colours as a result of the command do not match.
you can however trigger disco mode with $ meross led green quick
$ meross crash
system crash test....
Runs some form of crash test.
$meross fac
In fac mode:NO
Get and Set if the device is on factory mode. meross fac 1
sets factory mode and meross fac 0
disables it.
$ meross test
meross test relay count interval
$ meross test relay 1 1
Tests the the relay is activated number of times every . External power is required to run the relay, which is not recommended while serial is connected.
$ meross iot
incomplete command, more options:
status - show status
unbind - unbind
upgrade - upgrade
rule - show rules
log - log on|off
dbg - show debug
$ meross iot status
wifi status:disconnect
iot status:offline
iot info:
primary host: :0
secondary host: :0
user id :
user key :
bind id :
Shows the status of the device and the MQTT details. Will update this section when paired.
$ meross iot unbind
device unbind via cli [Offline]
[T: 274103 M: mrs_main C: info F: mrs_main_proc L: 172]: event factory reset
[T: 274103 M: mrs_event C: warning F: mrs_iot_event_send_primary L: 116]: event not init
Unpairs the device then reboots.
meross iot upgrade <url>
Downloads and installs new firmware. Need to find the URL of a new firmware image to test further.
$ meross iot rule
timer rules info:
autooff rules info:
Displays information about currently set schedules.
$ meross iot log on
mrs_protocol_set_log:protocol package dump 0
Need to test further.
$ meross iot dbg
cmd id 0xd5 -- 0x0 seq 0x5
cmd id 0xd2 -- 0x0 seq 0x6
"system": {
"version": "2.1.7",
"sysUpTime": "0h6m59s",
"localTimeOffset": 0,
"localTime": "Thu Jan 1 00:06:59 1970",
"suncalc": "5:59;18:7"
"network": {
"linkStatus": "disconnect",
"ssid": "",
"gatewayMac": "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx",
"innerIp": "",
"wifiDisconnectCount": 0
"cloud": {
"activeServer": "",
"mainServer": "",
"mainPort": 0,
"secondServer": "",
"secondPort": 0,
"userId": 0,
"sysConnectTime": "N/A",
"sysOnlineT[T wifi C: erro
"sysDisconnectCount": 0,
"pingTrace": []
Dumps a bunch of debug information about the current state of the device. Will update when device is paired.
$ config
incomplete command, more options:
read - config read <group_name> <data_item_name>
write - config write <group_name> <data_item_name> <value>
reset - config reset <group_name>
show - config show <group_name>
$ config show
show all group
[common]OpMode: 1
[common]CountryCode: CN
[common]CountryRegion: 5
[common]CountryRegionABand: 3
[common]RadioOff: 0
[common]DbgLevel: 3
[common]RTSThreshold: 2347
[common]FragThreshold: 2346
[common]BGChannelTable: 1,14,0|
[common]AChannelTable: 36,8,0|100,11,0|149,4,0|
[common]WiFiPrivilegeEnable: 0
[common]StaFastLink: 0
[STA]LocalAdminMAC: 1
[STA]MacAddr: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
[STA]SsidLen: 11
[STA]BssType: 1
[STA]Channel: 1
[STA]BW: 0
[STA]WirelessMode: 9
[STA]BADecline: 0
[STA]AutoBA: 1
[STA]HT_BAWinSize: 4
[STA]WmmCapable: 1
[STA]ListenInterval: 1
[STA]AuthMode: 0
[STA]EncrypType: 1
[STA]WpaPsk: 12345678
[STA]WpaPskLen: 8
[STA]PairCipher: 0
[STA]GroupCipher: 0
[STA]DefaultKeyId: 0
[STA]SharedKey: 12345,12345,12345,12345
[STA]SharedKeyLen: 5,5,5,5
[STA]PSMode: 0
[STA]KeepAlivePeriod: 55
[STA]BeaconLostTime: 20
[STA]ApcliBWAutoUpBelow: 1
[STA]StaKeepAlivePacket: 1
[AP]LocalAdminMAC: 1
[AP]MacAddr: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
[AP]Ssid: Meross_SW_XXXX
[AP]SsidLen: 14
[AP]Channel: 1
[AP]BW: 0
[AP]WirelessMode: 9
[AP]AutoBA: 1
[AP]HT_MCS: 33
[AP]HT_BAWinSize: 4
[AP]HT_GI: 1
[AP]WmmCapable: 1
[AP]DtimPeriod: 1
[AP]AuthMode: 0
[AP]EncrypType: 1
[AP]WpaPsk: 12345678
[AP]WpaPskLen: 8
[AP]PairCipher: 0
[AP]GroupCipher: 0
[AP]DefaultKeyId: 0
[AP]SharedKey: 11111,22222,33333,44444
[AP]SharedKeyLen: 5,5,5,5
[AP]HideSSID: 0
[AP]RekeyInterval: 3600
[AP]AutoChannelSelect: 0
[AP]BcnDisEn: 0
[network]IpMode: dhcp
[meross]dev.cfg.ResetCount: 0
[meross]dev.cfg.State: 0
[meross]dev.cfg.Bind: 0
[meross]dev.cfg.bindTime: 0
[meross]dev.cfg.upgradeFlag: 0
[meross]dev.cfg.DNDMode: 0
[meross]dev.ctl.timeStamp: 0
[meross]dev.ctl.latitude: 0
[meross]dev.ctl.longitude: 0
[meross]dev.ctl.switchStatus.00: 1
[meross]dev.ctl.SwitchLmTime.00: 0
[meross]dev.ctl.switchStatus.01: 1
[meross]dev.ctl.SwitchLmTime.01: 0
[meross]dev.ctl.switchStatus.02: 1
[meross]dev.ctl.SwitchLmTime.02: 0
[meross]dev.ctl.switchStatus.03: 1
[meross]dev.ctl.SwitchLmTime.03: 0
[meross]dev.ctl.switchStatus.04: 1
[meross]dev.ctl.SwitchLmTime.04: 0
[meross]dev.ctl.switchStatus.05: 1
[meross]dev.ctl.SwitchLmTime.05: 0
[meross]dev.enr.VRatio: 188
[meross]dev.enr.IRatio: 100
[meross]dev.enr.ratioFlag: 0
[factory]dev.fac.locale: us
[factory]dev.fac.uuid: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[factory]dev.fac.mac: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
[factory]dev.fac.mode: 0
[factory]dev.fac.testStep: 0
Sections in brackets are the group names used for other commands.
$ ver
CM4 Image Ver: SDK_V4.6.2
N9 Image Ver: 20170823172833
Not sure what this information relates to. Perhaps the build environment for the MediaTek chip?
Device is in factory mode. As far as I can tell the only way back is via serial and running the commands
$ meross fac 0
$ reboot
Device is in pairing mode
Device is paired and relay is active