This is a lightweight Python Module for Haptic Feedback suitable for easy prototyping user studies that involve haptic stimulation. It provides easy means of creating complex patterns, stimulating and visualising them. The support for devices can be achieved through minimal code (see belove). If you add support for a device you use, please push the changes so that others can benefit from your code.
#step 1 - creating a visualiser
vis = LinePatternVisualiser(no_actuators=3)
#step 2 - creating a stimulation engine - hardware device
cfg = VibroStimulationEngineConfig(port="/dev/cu.usbFA1")
eng = VibroStimulationEngine(visualiser=vis, config=cfg)
#step 3 - creating a pattern composed of three motors:
t1 = SingleTactonVibro(duration=0.5, channel=1)
t2 = SingleTactonVibro(duration=0.5, channel=2)
t3 = SingleTactonVibro(duration=0.5, channel=3)
tacton = PatternTacton(gap=0.2, tactons=[t1, t3, t2])
#step 4 - stimulating the tacton
Class MyStimulationEngine(StimulationEngine):
def _connect(self):
def _disconnect(self):
#if intenstiy is provided then it overrides the intnsity of tacton, otherwise the intensity of tacton is used
def _start_stimulation_tacton(self, tacton, intensity=None):
if intensties are provided then it overrides the intnsity of tacton, otherwise the intensities of tacton are used
This is optional, if it is not implemented then _start_stimulation_tacton is used for each tacton
def _start_stimulation_tactons(self, tactons, intensities=None):
def _stop_stimulation(self, tacton):
# list of pairs (x,y) that represent coordinates of actuators
positions = []
# the radius of each actuator that is shown on the screen
#create visualiser
visualiser = GenericPatternVisualiser(positions, actuator_radius)
#pass it to engine and then framework takes care of the rest
eng = VibroStimulationEngine(visualiser=vis, config=cfg)