This is the Frontend of a Banking Application built with Next and TypeScript. The app allows users to manage their accounts, deposit, withdraw, transfer money to IBAN accounts, and view their account statement.
🚀 Live Demo: Click Me
- Responsive Design: The app is responsive and works on devices with a minimum width of 360px.
- Deposit and Withdraw: Users can deposit and withdraw money from their account.
- Transfer Money to IBAN: Users can transfer money only to IBAN accounts. The app ensures only valid IBAN accounts are used.
- Account Statement: Displays a list of transactions (amount, balance, type, ID, date), sorted by date, with the most recent first.
- Responsive UI: The application supports devices with a minimum width of 360px.
- No User Authentication: No authentication required for the user to use the app.
- Deposit and Withdraw: Users can deposit and withdraw money from their bank account.
- Transfer Money: Users can send money to an IBAN account.
- Account Statement: View account transactions (date, amount, balance), sorted by the most recent date.
- IBAN Validation: The app prevents users from sending money to non-IBAN accounts.
To get started, clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
npm run dev
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:4001 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.