DataKit is an open source, integrated data collection agent, which provides full platform (Linux/Windows/macOS) support and has comprehensive data collection capability, covering various scenarios such as host, container, middleware, tracing, logging and security inspection.
- Support collection of metrics, logging and tracing
- Fully support Kubernetes ecology
- Pipeline: Simple structured data extraction
- Supports third-party data import:
All DataKit changelog refers to here.
OS | Arch | Install Path |
Linux Kernel 2.6.23+ | amd64/386/arm/arm64 | /usr/local/datakit |
macOS 10.12+(Why) | amd64 | /usr/local/datakit |
Windows 7+/Server 2008R2+ | amd64/386 | 64-bit:C:\Program Files\datakit 32-bit: C:\Program Files(32)\datakit |
We can directly obtain the DataKit installation command from guance cloud. Most of the installation commands seems like that:
- Linux & Mac
DK_DATAWAY="<YOUR-TOKEN>" bash -c "$(curl -L"
- Windows
Remove-Item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Env:DK_*;
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -scope Process -Force;
Import-Module bitstransfer;
start-bitstransfer -source -destination .install.ps1;
powershell .install.ps1;
Remove-Item .install.ps1;
For more documentations about DataKit installation, see here.
DataKit building relies on some external tools/libs, we must install them all before compile the source code.
- We recommend to build source on Ubuntu 20.04+, other linux distribition may failed to install these dependencies. We do not support build DataKit on Windows.
- Please build the project with
, we haven't testing with Golang/VSCode IDEs
Install and setup Golang(1.18.3+):
export GOPROXY=,direct
export GOPATH=~/go # depends on your local settings
export GOROOT=~/golang-1.18.3 # depends on your local settings
export PATH=$GOROOT/bin:~/go/bin:$PATH
!!! Do not install these dependencies under datakit source code dir.
- make:
apt-get install make
- gcc:
apt-get install gcc
- gcc-multilib:
apt-get install -y gcc-multilib
- tree:
apt-get install tree
- packr2:
go install[email protected]
- goyacc:
go install
- lint related:
- lint:
go install[email protected]
- lint:
- eBPF related:
- clang 10.0+:
apt-get install clang
- llvm 10.0+:
apt-get install llvm
- kernel headers
- apt:
apt-get install -y linux-headers-$(uname -r)
- apt:
- clang 10.0+:
- Clone code
$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ git clone # may be blocked by GFW
$ git clone # jihulab mirror
$ cd datakit
- Building
If building ok, all binaries are generated under dist:
├── [4.0K] datakit-linux-amd64
│ ├── [ 72M] datakit
│ └── [4.0K] externals
│ ├── [ 14M] logfwd
│ └── [10.0M] oracle
├── [4.0K] local
│ ├── [ 26M] installer-linux-amd64
│ └── [ 228] version
└── [4.0K] standalone
└── [4.0K] datakit-ebpf-linux-amd64
└── [ 38M] datakit-ebpf
We can build all platforms(Linux/Mac/Windows) with following command:
make testing
We can use help
command to see more usage of DataKit:
datakit help
# Or
./dist/datakit-linux-amd64/datakit help
Before contributing, check out some guideline of DataKit:
For full documents of DataKit, see