This project is consisted a social network that allows users to interact with each other by publishing posts, commenting and giving likes or dislikes to them. To do this, it was applied knowledge about the Laravel framework, PHP and Javascript.
After cloning this repository, excute the folowing commands to test it:
composer global require laravel/installer
composer install
php artisan key:generate //after created and configured the .env file
mySQL > CREATE DATABASE (db_name on your .env file)
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed //populate SQL database (it could take some minutes)
php artisan serv //check the project
To log on the network you can:
- register yourself
- or take a look at a profile created with faker/seeder:
mySQL > select email from users; // choose a email from the database
email: (from database)
password: password
- Ezequiel Garay - GitHub - Code Assembler
- Guilherme Carra - GitHub - Glitch