Bird-Weather-Tracker is a web application desined for passionate bird watchers who want to enhance their bird-watching experience by combining real-time local weather data with the latest bird sightings in their area. With an integration of data from eBirds and OpenWeatherMap, our application ensures that you have the perfect conditions to enjoy premium bird watching.
This project included forking and cloning our repositories from our main (on Ryans GH). Finding two api's that could pull successfully. We started with wireframing our application's idea, then moving onto creating the basic html file to grow from.We came across several hurdles, including how to apply tailwinds to our site at the forefront, how we want the eBird API called into our application, how to narrow down the amount of birds that were displaying once the city information was input. We utilized several tools including but not limited to Xpert Chat, Bard, Copilot, MDN, Tailwinds site, ChatGPT.
User Story
- As a bird enthusiast in our local community I want to explore, identify, and learn more about the common birds in my area locally.
- As a bird enthusiant I want to be able to look up an alternate city as a desired birding destination to see the top 10 birds there.
- As a bird enthusiast when I look up my desired location I want to see if it is optimal birding weather.
Acceptance Criteria
- It is done when a user can input their desired location information and the weather correctly displays.
- It is done when a user can select to favorite their input location.
- It is done when the weather displays, the top 10 birds will also appear.
- It is done when this favorite information can be seen in a favorites area, and cleared if the user needs.
eBird API:
- Cristine J (floater front-end/back-end, project mgr)
- Ryan H (back-end, JS Mastermind)
- Chris R (front-end, Tailwinds)
- Create user story
- JS File
- Apply Tailwinds (CSS Framework)
- Create
- Test generating different cities forecast + birds display
- Go through html and javascript files to check for redundancies or places where you can condense elements.
- Deployment.
Deployed Site:
This Study Guide Web Application is licensed under the MIT License. You are free to use, modify, and distribute it for educational purposes.