This repo contains the C# project work flow as follows:
This is a small program developed for college to get the daily report from the students. It contains string, boolean and integer data types.
This is the second small project which contains different data types in C# and casting them into other data types.
This projects consists of all math operations in C#, explicit and implicit math casts/conversion and math with strings.
This little project contains the basic comparison operators used in C# programming language. Comparison operators are very useful when dealing with user's output.
This little was part of my assignment which includes a few math operations, boolean, and comparison operators.
This is a comperhensive small programs with following functionality:
- Asks for users output on hourly rate, hours worked per week of two persons.
- prints the annual salary of both persons.
- compare both salaries and prints whose salaray is up using boolean data type.
This consoleApp contains boolean operators like &&, ||, ==, !=, and ^.
This is a consoleApp evaluates the applicants for receiving the car insurance considering the age and speeding tickets. It asks the applicant's age, DUI and speeding tickets.
This little prpgrams contains branching/if,else if, and else statement in C#.
I have used switch statement in this little console app. The user prompted to write their favorite number from 1-7 and then it matches the value with 7 cases contains all weekdays. the keyword "default" also has been used and to print the message if the input does not match the cases.
In this project, I worked on strings in C#, applied different methods and esacpe characters in this program