Pyhton package for simulating multi-molecular emission spectra dominated by a single effective intermolecular vibrational mode. This package is accompanying a publication and is available at Zenodo.
S. Hammer et al, "Spectroscopic analysis of vibrational coupling in multi-molecular excited states", Material Horizons, 2023, 10, 221-234
Install package from PyPi with
pip install XDimer
The latest development version is available on GitHub. To install use:
python -m pip install git+
The package has been tested against the latest versions of python > 3.6 .
This package enables the quick simulation of emission spectra from Franck-Condon vibronic transitions between the vibrational levels of two harmonic oscillators with different potential strength at different temperatures. For this purpose, it provides two ways to simulate the emission, a semi-classical one for which the final state harmonic oscillator is treated as a continous function and a full quantum-mechanical approach, for which the individual Franck-Condon factors are calculated numerically. A short introduction of the underlying physical model as well as some basic defintions are given below please refere to the related publication for an in detail description of the physical model and the mathematical definition.
The emission spectra are modeled by Franck-Condon transitions between two displaced harmonic oscillators described by
oscillator constant
$R$ .
which is related to the
vibrational energy quantum
and the
oscillator parameter
via the reduced mass as
The oscillators are displaced in energy by the
energetic offset
and along the generalized spatial coordinate by the
spatial displacement
each with respect to the vertex of the ground state parabola.
Variable names are declared throughtout the package as follows:
: ground state oscillator constant
: excited state oscillator constant
: ground state vibrational energy quantum
: excited state vibrational energy quantum
: ground state oscillator parameter
: excited state oscillator parameter
: spatial displacement along generalized coordinate
: energetic offset of the oscillators
: reduced mass of the system in atomic units u
For the quantummechanical simulation of emission spectra the energetic broadening of the underlying lineshape function is declared as
The package consists of three main parts contained in the xdimer
module which is loaded by
import xdimer
This module contains the class dimer_system
whicht stores the key parameters which fully define a dimer system. The functions semiclassical_emission
and quantummechanical_emission
take instances of the dimer_system
class as an input and return the respective emission spectra.
To create a dimer system use
dimer = xdimer.dimer_system(mass, gs, xs, q_xs, e_offset)
In the default setup_mode
the parameters gs
and xs
define the ground state (gs) and excited state (xs) vibrational energy quantum (in eV). The parameters q_xs
and e_offset
are the spatial displacement mass
parameter is the reduced mass
dimer = xdimer.dimer_system(423, 0.02, 0.025, 0.1, 1.5)
defines a dimer system with reduced mass 423 u, ground and excited state vibrational energy quantums of 20 meV and 25 meV, respecitvely, an excited state spatial displacement of 0.1 Angstrom and an energetic offset of 1.5 eV.
Emission spectra can be calculated by a semi-classical or quantum-mechanical approach. To calculate semi-classical emission spectra use
spectra = xdimer.semiclassical_emission(E, temp, dimer)
where E
is of ndarray
-type and defines the energy axis over which the emission is calculated. The temperatures for which the spectra are calcualted are given by temp
either as a list
of several temperatures or a single temperature value as a float
. The dimer
is an instance of dimer_system
can also be a list
, see API reference). The function semiclassical_emission
returns either a dictonary
, if the temperature input was given as a list of several values, or a ndarray
if only one temperature value was provided. The return variable is compased as follows
For a single temperature value:
is an array of the form
input variableE
as energy axis
from i = 1,...,6. The emission spectrum of the i-th vibrational level of the excited state
total emission spectrum as sum over all emissions from the first 6 vibrational levels of the excited stateFor a list of temperature values
temp=[T1, T2, T3, ...]
is a dictionary with keys T1, T2, T3, ... . Each entry contains an array for a single temperature value as described above.
The quantummechanical emission is calculated by
emission = xdimer.quantummechanical_emission(E, temp, dimer)
where E
is of ndarray
-type and defines the energy axis over which the emission spectra are calculated. The temperatures are given by temp
either as a list
of several temperatures or a single temperature value as a float
. The dimer
is an instance of dimer_system
can also be a list
, see API reference). The function quantummechanical_emission
returns pairs of array like return values
[spectra_full, spectra_stick]
either as entrys in a dictonary keyed by multiple temperature values given in temp
, or a single array pair if only one temperature value was given. If n vibrational levels of the excited state (0, ..., n-1) are simulated
is a list of ndarrays
of length n. Each entry i
contains the transition energies and intensities of all transitions from the i-th vibrational level of the excited state to the manifold of simulated ground state levels (default is 25). The relation between emission energy and tranisition intensity is referred to as stick spectrum of the i-th vibrational level.
The stick spectrum of the i-th vibrational level is given as
quantum number k of the vibrational level of the respective final state
photon energy of the$\ket{i} \rightarrow \ket{k}$ transition
Franck-Condon factor$|\braket{k|i}|^2$ transition weighted with a respective Boltzmann factor
is a ndarray
and contains the convolution of the stick spectra with a gaussian line shape function of energetic broadening w (specified as an optional parameter when creating a dimer_system
instance) resulting in smooth emission spectra.
The smooth emission spectra are returned as
: input variableE
as energy axis
: from i = 1 to the last simulated vibrational level n. The emission spectrum of the i-th vibrational level of the excited state as the sum of gaussian line shapes for each transition specified inspectra_stick[i]
: total emission spectrum as sum over all emissions from the simulated ;eve;s vibrational levels of the excited state
The default settings of the function simulates the first five vibrational levels of the excited states.
To use the emission functions to fit a luminescence data set the dimer
input can be given as a list
containing the variables for an optimization procedure.
For semiclassical_emission
the list needs to be of the following form:
[gs_potential, xs_parameter, e_offset, q_xs, mass]
For quantummechanical_emission
the list needs to be of the following form:
[gs_parameter, xs_parameter, e_offset, q_xs, energetic_broadening, mass]
Two examples are provided showing how to simulate spectra and use the provided functions to fit a set of temperature dependent luminescence data.
They can be called by
python -m xdimer.examples.simulating_emission
python -m xdimer.examples.fitting_emission_data
simulating_emission simulates a semiclassical and quantum-mechanical emission spectrum for a temperature specified by console input when running the module. The individual vibrational contributions from the excited state are unraveled and depicted color coded with the main emission spectrum. The dimer system used in the simulation is created by
dimer = xdimer.dimer_system(577.916/2, .022, .026, 0.1, 1.55, energetic_broadening=.02)
fitting_emission_spectra simulates a data set of emission data using xdimer.quantummechanical_emission
for four different temperatures. It then performs a fit to the whole data set, including all temperatures. The fit does take a while (approx 90 seconds). The dimer system used to generate the data set is created by
dimer = xdimer.dimer_system(400, .027, .023, 0.08 ,1.55, energetic_broadening= .019)
API reference guide for all classes and functions available.
Base functionality of the package containing the dimer_system
class, the functions semiclassical_emission
and quantummechanical_emission
and the exception xDimerModeError
. Import by
import xdimer
Class defining a dimer system containing all defining physical quantities. Instances are created via
dimer_system(mass, gs, xs, q_xs, e_offset, energtic_broadening, setup_mode)
, q_xs
and e_offset
are the reduced mass (in atomic units), the spatial displacement (in Angstrom) and the energetic offset (in eV), respectively.
and xs
define the ground and excited state potential, respectively. See setup_mode
for details.
defines the line width parameter as standard deviation of the gaussian linshape of each vibronic transition calculated by quantummechanical_emission
in eV. Default is 0.02
defines the input mode for the defintion of the ground and exited state potential by the variables gs
and xs
, respectively. Accepted inputs 'vib_energy'
(default), 'osc_const'
and 'osc_para'
(default): potentials are defined by their vibrational energy quantum$E_{vib}$ in eV.
: potentials are defined by their oscillator constant$R$ in eV/Angstrom^2.
: potentials are defined by their oscillator parameter$\alpha$ in 1/Angstrom^2.
If none of the above modes is used xDimerModelError
is raised.
Dimer properties can be accessed by calling the respective internal variable:
reduced mass:
spatial offset:
energetic offset:
energetic broadening:
Parameters of the harmonic potentials can be returned by properties:
Vibrational energy quantum
: ground state
: excited stateOscillator constant
: ground state
: excited stateOscillator parameter
: ground state
: excited state
Calculates and returns a semiclassical emission spectrum for a dimer system at a given temperature or list a of temperatures. The first six vibrational levels of the excited state are taken into account.
semiclassical_emission(E, temp, dimer)
(1-D ndarray): photon emission energy in eV
(list/Float): either list of floats or float: List of temperature values or single temperature value in Kelvin
(instance dimer_system/list): either instance of dimer_system class or list of variablesinstance dimer_system: use for simulation of emission spectra from exisiting dimer system list: use for fitting a data set, list needs to be of the form [0: gs_potential, 1: xs_parameter, 2: e_offset, 3: q_xs, 4: mass]
COMMENT: mass should not be used as a free fit parameter but be set to the reduced mass of the dimer system
dict/ndarray: if temp is list, dictionary (key = temp): ndarrays containing emission spectra for respective temperature temp
if temp is float: ndarray containing emission spectra for respective temperature temp
array structure: [8, size(E)]:
array[0] = E
(emission energies)
: X-dimer emission spectrum from the i-th excited vibrational state (i in [0,...,5])
: Semi-classical X-dimer emission spectrum at temperature "temp" considering the first six vibrational levels of the excited state oscillator
import numpy as np
import xdimer
# initilazises dimer system
dimer = xdimer.dimer_system(400, 0.22, 0.25, 1.5)
# Define energy axis for simulation and temperatures
E = np.linspace(1, 3, 500)
temp = [5, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300]
# calculate emission spectra for given temperatures
spectra = xdimer.semiclassical_emission(E, temp, dimer)
spectrum_150K = spectra[150]
Calculates and returns a quantummecanical emission spectrum for a dimer system at a given temperature or list a of temperatures. Function returns stick spectra and continous spectrum as superposition of gaussian emissions with intensity and position defined by the stick spectrum
quantummechanical_emission(E, temp, dimer, simulation_parameters = [5, -.5, .5, 10000, 25])
(ndarray): photon emission energy in eV
(list/Float): either list of floats or float: List of temperature values or single temperature value in Kelvin
(instance dimer_system/list): either instance of dimer_system class or list of variablesinstance dimer_system: use for simulation of emission spectra from exisiting dimer system list: use for fitting a data set, list needs to be of the form [0: gs_parameter, 1: xs_parameter, 2: e_offset, 3: q_xs, 4: energetic_broadening, 5: mass]
(list, optional): specifies the simulation parameters[n_sim, q_low, q_high, dq, n_gs]
. First entryn_sim
sets number of simulated vibrational levels of excited state. Other four parameters specify numeric evaluation of Franck-Condon factors, seequantummechanical.franck_condon_factor
. Defaults to [5 ,-.5, .5, 10000, 25].
COMMENT: mass should not be used as a free fit parameter but be set to the reduced mass of the dimer system
dict/list: if temp is list, dictionary (key = temp): each entry contains list of the form
[spectra_full, spectra_stick]
if temp is float: list of the form
[spectra_full, spectra_stick]
for respective temperature temp
[0] = E
(emission energies)
[1: n_sim]
: smooth emission spectrum for 0-th to (n_sim-1)-th vibrational level of excited state
: full emission spectrum as sum over all excited state transitions from 0-th to (n_sim-1)-th
(list of ndarrays): list of length n_sim.Each entry contains the output of quantummechanical.franck_condon_factor as ndarray
[0: final state, 1: transition energies, 2: boltzmann weighted transition intensities]
for the respective excited state level, i.e.spectra_stick[0]
holds 0-th vibrational level,spectra_stick[1]
holds 1-st vibrational level and so forth.
import numpy as np
import xdimer
# initilazises dimer system
dimer = xdimer.dimer_system(400, 0.22, 0.25, 1.5)
# Define energy axis for simulation and temperatures
E = np.linspace(1, 3, 500)
temp = [5, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300]
# calculate emission spectra for given temperatures
spectra = xdimer.quantummechanical_emission(E, temp, dimer)
qm_150K = spectra[150]
spectra150K, stick_spectra150K = qm_150k[0], qm_150k[1]
Subclass of Exception. Raised if instance of dimer_system class is created using an unknown setup mode.
Contains the functions to calculate a semi-classical emission spectrum. Can be imported by
import xdimer.semiclassical
auxiliary function for semi-classical emission spectra. Calculates excited state energy of vibrational level n with respect to ground state minimum in eV. Equation (5) in publication.
(int): vibrational level n
(Float): vibrational zero point energy in eV
(Float): energetic offset with respect to ground state minimum in eV
Float: excited state energy of vibrational level n in eV
displacement_from_energy(E, n, gs_potential, vib_zero_point_energy, e_offset, q_xs):
auxiliary function for semi-classical emission spectra. Inverse function of the emission energy - spatial coordinate relation. Calculates spatial displacement as function of photon energy for emission from the excited state at vibrational level n
in Angstrom. Equation (S4) in electronic supplementary information.
(ndarray): photon emission energy in eV
(Int): vibrational level n
(Float): oscillator constant$R_0$ of the ground state potential in eV/Angstrom**2
(Float): vibrational zero point energy in eV
(Float): energetic offset with respect to ground state minimum in eV
(Float): spatial displacement of excited state with respect to the ground state minimum in Angstrom
ndarray: spatial displacement in Angstrom
There six numbered functions from i= [0 to 5] which calculate the semi-classical emission spectrum from the i-th vibrational level of the excited state (c.f. equations (S7)-(S12) in electronic supplementary information). The emission from the ground state is disccused here exemplarily.
xdimer_sc_emission_0(E, gs_potential, xs_parameter ,vib_zero_point_energy, e_offset, q_xs)
Semi-classical X-dimer emission spectrum from the vibrational ground state
(ndarray): photon emission energy in eV
(Float): oscillator constant$R_0$ of the ground state potential in eV/Angstrom**2
(Float): oscillator parameter of excited state quantum-mechanical oscillator in 1/Angstrom**2 (alpha in manuscript)
(Float): vibrational zero point energy in eV
(Float): energetic offset with respect to ground state minimum in eV
(Float): spatial displacement of excited state with respect to the ground state minimum in Angstrom
ndarray: size: size(E). emission intensity with respect to values of E. nan-values resulting from E-values greater than singularity are set to 0 to ensure down the line usability.
For higher vibrational levels use xdimer_sc_emission_1
, xdimer_sc_emission_2
, xdimer_sc_emission_3
, xdimer_sc_emission_4
and xdimer_sc_emission_5
xdimer_sc_total_emission(E, gs_potential, xs_parameter ,vib_zero_point_energy, e_offset, q_xs, boltzmann_dist, temp)
Semi-classical X-dimer emission spectrum at temperature "temp" considering the first six vibrational levels of the excited state oscillator
(ndarray): photon emission energy in eV
(Float): oscillator constant$R_0$ of the ground state potential in eV/Angstrom**2
(Float): oscillator parameter of excited state quantum-mechanical oscillator in 1/Angstrom**2
(Float): vibrational zero point energy in eV
(Float): energetic offset with respect to ground state minimum in eV
(Float): spatial displacement of excited state with respect to the ground state minimum in Angstrom
(Dict): Boltzman distribution generated withauxiliary.boltzmann_distribution
(Float): Temperature in Kelvin - must be key in dictionary boltzmann_dist
ndarray: size(E). emission intensity with respect to values of E. nan-values resulting from E-values greater than singularity are set to 0 to ensure down the line usability.
Contains the functions to calculate a quantum-mechanical emission spectrum. Can be imported by
import xdimer.quantummechanical
harmonic_oscillator_wavefunction(level, spatial_coordinate, oscillator_parameter)
Auxiliary function to caluclate the wave function of harmonic oscillator functions of a given vibrational level.
(Int): oscillator quantum number
(ndarray): array of spatial coordinates (in Angstrom) for which wavefunction is calculated
(type): oscillator parameter alpha in 1/Angstrom**2
ndarray: values of the wavefuncion at given spatial coordinates
franck_condon_factor(level, xs_parameter, gs_parameter, q_xs, e_offset, mass, q_low= -.5, q_high= .5, dq= 10000, n_gs= 25)
numerically calculates emission energies and respective Franck-Condon factors for the emission from a vibrational level (given by 'level') of an excited state oscillator to the vibrational levels of a ground state harmonical oscillator
(Int): oscillator quantum number
(Float): excited state oscillator parameter alpha in 1/Angstrom**2
(Float): ground state oscillator parameter alpha in 1/Angstrom**2
(Float): spatial displacement of excited state with respect to the ground state minimum in Angstrom
(Float): energetic offset with respect to ground state minimum in eVmass
(Float): mass of the dimer system in kgSimulation parameters - optional
(int, optional): lower intergration boundary of spatial coordinate. Defaults to -1.
(int, optional): upper intergration boundary of spatial coordinate. Defaults to 1.
(int, optional): value number between lower and upper integration boundary of spatial coordinate, determines spatial resolution during integration. Defaults to 10000.
(int, optional): simulated levels of the ground state oscillator. Defaults to 25.
ndarray: size(3, n_GS)
: int: quantum number of respective final vibratioanl state k of ground state level for the transition n --> k
: Floats: photon energy of transition n --> k
: Floats: value of Frank-Condon factor of transition n --> k
Contains auxiliary functions. Can be imported by
import xdimer.auxiliary
osc_para_to_vib_energy(osc_para, mass)
Transforms oscillator parameter to vibrational energy quantum.
(float): oscillator parameter in 1/Angstrom^2
(float): reduced mass in atomic units
float: vibrational energy quantum in eV
vib_energy_to_osc_para(vib_energy, mass)
Transforms vibrational energy quantum to oscillator parameter
(float): vibrational energy quantum in eV
(float): reduced mass in atomic units
float: oscillator parameter in 1/Angstrom^2
osc_const_to_vib_energy(osc_const, mass)
Transforms oscillator constant to vibrational energy quantum.
(float): oscillator constant in eV/Angstrom^2
(float): reduced mass in atomic units
float: vibrational energy quantum in eV
vib_energy_to_osc_const(vib_energy, mass)
Transforms vibrational energy quantum to oscillator constant
(float): vibrational energy quantum in eV
(float): reduced mass in atomic units
float: oscillator constant in eV/Angstrom^2
boltzmann_distribution(Temp_list, vib_zero_point_energy, no_of_states= 50)
Generates a Boltzmann probability distribution for a quantum-mechanical harmonic oscillator with zero point energy "vib_zero_point_energy"
(list of Floates): list of temperature values in Kelvin
(type): vibrational zero point energy in eV
(int, optional): number of simulated excited states for canocial partion sum. Defaults to 50.
key (Float): entries of Temp_list;
values (ndarray): (2 x no_of_states); [0]: vibrational level, [1]: corresponding occupation probability
gauss_lineshape(x, A, w, xc):
gauss function as line shape function $$ L(x) = \frac{A}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma}}\exp\left( - \frac{(x-x_c)^2}{2\sigma^2} \right) $$ Arguments:
(ndarray): x-values
(Float): area under the curve
(Float): standard deviation
(Float): x center
nadarry: function values at x-values
Package distributed under MIT license. Copyright (c) 2022 Sebastian Hammer.
If you use this package or its contents for apublication please consider citing the zenodo archive or the corresponding publication .