- Implementation of google_maps_api replacing the previous static map image
- Bottom Sheet menu for compass panel
- More compass dial theme
- Day/Night theme for maps
- Option to disable maps label in GPS screen
- Bottom sheet menu in clock panel
- Calibration screen for compass, only show if the accuracy is low or unreliable
- New calculation method for fixing 180 degrees error in Compass.kt (issue #4)
- Accuracy indicator for Compass
- Sensitivity option for parallax
- Popup menu from compass panel is completely removed
- Swipe from anywhere is removed from GPS.kt because of implementation of maps
- Static map removed
- GPS range animation removed
- Many existing compass themes removed due to conflict with Day/Night modes
- GPS layout cleanup, unused graphics removed (solving issue #2 and #3)
- Popup menu from clock panel is completely removed
- Switch theme changed in compass menu