The API takes an image as an argument and grades the Omr provided. The API has two post requests: one that sets the answer key and the number of options per question.
- The folder images contains test images.
- The file has the main logic that takes the image and uses opencv and imutils to proccess the image and grade it.
- The file creats a basic flask server with two post request that calls the methods in
- The '/api/grade_omr' is a POST request that takes image as argument and return the number of correct question or -1 if answer key or number of options are not set.
- The '/api/setkey' is a POST request that takes an array of dictionaries with 2 elements. At index 0 is the answer key and at index 1 is the number of options.
- The file has two functions that call the respective post requests.
- The set_anskey_numoption() calls the post request '/api/setkey'.
- Argument - answer key and number of options.
- answer key is defined as: {question: correct option, ...} correct option is 0 for A, 1 for B and so on. Example, ans = {1: 1, 2: 4, 3: 0, 4: 2, 5: 1}.
- number of options is an integer.
- Argument - answer key and number of options.
- the grade_img() calls the post request '/api/setkey'.
- Argument - image path.
- image path is dedfined as a string containing the retalive path to the image. Example, 'images/omr_test_01.png'.
- Returns - number of correct questions or -1 if answer key or number of options are not set.
- Argument - image path.
- The set_anskey_numoption() calls the post request '/api/setkey'.
- The file shows an example of how to call the above mentioned functions to grade the omr.