Took me almost a year, but finally, we have the ability to search notices. 😊
- Clean Cupertino design
- Auto AMOLED Dark Mode
- Instantly view, share or download notices in a tap
- Push Notifications for new notices
- Search for any notice in a tap
- Fully optimised and smooth application
- Small application size (Under 8.5 MB)
- New fresh UI
- Added ability to search notices
- Added AMOLED theme
- Update Server for more details
- Added new splash screen & icon
- Optimised App smoothness
Get App on Play Store -
Full Changelog:
added amoled theme (Abhay Maurya)
updated to v1.0.6+9 (Abhay Maurya)
fixed themeswitch button (Abhay Maurya)
Create FUNDING.yml (Akshay Maurya)
minor fix (Abhay Maurya)
minor changes (Abhay Maurya)
add onesignal notifications (Abhay Maurya)
update key property (Abhay Maurya)
minor fix (Abhay Maurya)
refactor directories (Abhay Maurya)
remove firebase messaging (Abhay Maurya)
update packages (Abhay Maurya)add firestore package (Abhay Maurya)
add stream builder (Abhay Maurya)
add priority & latest (Abhay Maurya)
add action modal (Abhay Maurya)
update main (Abhay Maurya)
add more priority fixes (Abhay Maurya)
change default theme to light (Abhay Maurya)
remove action modal (Abhay Maurya)
add new notice tile (Abhay Maurya)
update to v1.1.0+10 (Abhay Maurya)
remove gesture binding (Abhay Maurya)
try to fix splash color leak (Abhay Maurya)
update to v1.1.0+11 (Abhay Maurya)
update version (Abhay Maurya)
update app icons (Abhay Maurya)
update splash icon (Abhay Maurya)
update to v1.1.0+12 (Abhay Maurya)
add pagination (Abhay Maurya)
update packages (Abhay Maurya)update to v1.1.1+13 (Abhay Maurya)
update dependencies (Abhay Maurya)
update app package "ip_notices" (Abhay Maurya)
add getit & provider (Abhay Maurya)
add firestore notifier & service (Abhay Maurya)
update model [add timestamp] (Abhay Maurya)
update firestore data fetch (Abhay Maurya)
homepage ui changes (Abhay Maurya)
update notice tile ui (Abhay Maurya)
add release configs (Abhay Maurya)
fixes #28 (Abhay Maurya)
fix #30 (Abhay Maurya)
Merge pull request #34 from Hash-Studios/tags-server (Akshay Maurya)
Merge pull request #33 from Hash-Studios/native-splash (Akshay Maurya)
add timeago (Abhay Maurya)
update models (Abhay Maurya)
add time and college in notice tile (Abhay Maurya)
update latest priority toggle ui (Abhay Maurya)
add tag chips (Abhay Maurya)
minor fix (Abhay Maurya)
add theme service (Abhay Maurya)
fix dynamic theme (Abhay Maurya)
remove tags (Abhay Maurya)
fix tile borders (Abhay Maurya)
fix highlight color (Abhay Maurya)
update version to 1.2.0-beta (LiquidatorCoder)
add slidable options (LiquidatorCoder)
update accent colors (LiquidatorCoder)
fix download crash (LiquidatorCoder)
add toast message (LiquidatorCoder)
minor changes (LiquidatorCoder)
change slidable style (LiquidatorCoder)
add go to top fab (LiquidatorCoder)
add search bar with provider (LiquidatorCoder)
fix timestamp issue (LiquidatorCoder)
fix timeago issue (LiquidatorCoder)
add search action (LiquidatorCoder)
remove priority toggle (LiquidatorCoder)
code refactoring (LiquidatorCoder)
update about dialog (LiquidatorCoder)
bump to v1.3.0-beta+15 (LiquidatorCoder)