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Low priority; awaiting time/resource availability.
Classic (Cataclysm)
👎 declined
👎 declined
The request has been denied.
🔝 escalated
🔝 escalated
This ticket has been reviewed and requires Hekili's personal attention.
🛠️ fix pending
🛠️ fix pending
A fix has been merged; the issue should be resolved with the next release.
🙏 pr pending
🙏 pr pending
A PR has been submitted to address this issue and requires review.
📈 recommendations
📈 recommendations
Ticket is a proposed change to action priorities.
🚫 sim
🚫 sim
A "quicksim" on Raidbots is needed to make a comparison.
🚫 snapshot
🚫 snapshot
Snapshot(s) are required to investigate this issue further.
🧑‍⚕️ triage
🧑‍⚕️ triage
Issue needs initial triage to determine if action needs to be taken.