2237 commits
to thewarwithin
since this release
v10.1.0-1.0.0i (2023-05-12)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
- Enhancement: Add new APL expression and Flame Shock if none are applied in AOE.
- Demonology trinket logic.
- Devastation update.
- Outlaw and Subtlety 10.1 updates.
- Survival adjustments for macroed Kill Shots.
- Marksmanship priority adjustments.
- Frost Mage trinket update.
- Arcane priority update.
- Quickfix for channel breakages.
- Try to do better filtering friendlies out of target counts.
- Shadow: Make Mind Spike Insanity known based on Mind Spike's ID.
- Havoc priority update.
- Shadow: Fix the MSI fix.