5670 commits
to thewarwithin
since this release
v9.0.1-1.0-alpha25 (2020-09-04)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
- Tweak Assassination poisons, priority.
- Load Subtlety.
- Assassination: Fix typo in priority.
- Correct Sepsis spell ID. Tweak poisons to avoid trying to juggle 3 poisons at once. Update Outlaw priority to avoid excessive SnD.
- Load Frost Mage.
- Arcane Missiles spends buffs on start of channel.
- Load Arcane Mage.
- Fix mana.modmax bug.
- Comprehensive GCD changes, I think. Probably.
- Update for September 2 changes (in specs that are currently supported).
- Update changed legendaries.
- combo_point typo.
- Update Assassination.
- Fix min/max parse error with Lua translator.
- Shared legendaries.
- DH: Legendaries (that are predictable).
- Frost DK and Unholy legendaries.
- Guardian bugfixes, priority change for Ironfur.
- Affliction: Make Impending Catastrophe a projectile (to help with Deathglare timing). Update priority.
- Add Covenant.venthyr (etc.) and make it work for previews. SimC seems to use covenant.abilityname too. Tweak 'modmax' to be included in health metatable because reasons.
- Enable Affliction Warlock.
- Load IsActiveSpell into state table.
- Update TOC to load Fury Warrior.
- Add user-supplied Fury Warrior changes (with adjustments).
- Model mainhand rage gain for Protection Warrior.
- Arms: Update mainhand rage modeling. Revise Condemn to include multiple spell IDs due to Massacre. Incorporate Sudden Death.
- Build swing-type into weapon forecasting.
- Update attack speeds when gear is updated.
- Update weapon attack speed(s) on spec swap.
- Remove legacy recheck code.
- Load Covenant abilities into Marksmanship priority.
- Actually load Guardian and Survival.
- Tweak active_dot counting.
- Added Survival Hunter.
- Guardian: Dash shifts to Cat Form. Incarnation requires the talent. Treat Lunar Beam as a defensive. Wild Charge known spell ID, minimum distance and valid target. Priority tweaks.
- Add Guardian. APL pending revision.
- Feral: Apply Convoke the Spirits bonuses at the end of the channel. Maybe. Still weird.
- Balance: APL revisions, model new Starsurge/Eclipse interaction with 'empowered' flag.
- Use all Heart of the Wild spell IDs.
- Feral: HotW cast time reduction for Starsurge. Put Covenants on toggle.
- Balance: Add Solstice. Frenzied Regen has 2 charges with HotW. Starfall cost not reduced by HotW. Wrath/Soul generation tweaked. Priority adjusted to cast Starfall more consistently in multi-target.
- Shadow priority tweaks (Searing Nightmare, Devouring Plague). Void Eruption is a CD now.
- Add Raise Dead to Frost DK priority.
- Add Vengeance DH.
- Add DK Unholy. Make Death's Due and Defile put DnD on CD.
- Re-revise Essence -> Covenant toggle.
- Frost DK: Handle Death's Due override for Death and Decay.
Add Covenants to priority. - DK: Flag Covenant abilities for toggle (except Death's Due).
- More Essence -> Covenant renaming.
- Marksmanship: Streamline.