5012 commits
to thewarwithin
since this release
v9.0.2-1.0.23 (2020-12-11)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
- Don't treat Mindbender as a CD by default (CD is only 60 seconds).
- Notify WeakAuras when we profile swap.
- Profiles can be swapped by command-line or macro.
- Enhancement Shamans should refresh Windfury Totem if they outrange it, even with Doom Winds.
- Arms: Update priority to use Sweeping Strikes with Ravager.
- Subtlety: Make variable.use_priority_rotation available sooner; tweak APL to reduce reprocessing of finish list.
- Maaaybe don't show GCD on off-GCD abilities. Maybe.
- Restore Pummel to Arms priority.
- Create a warning if GET_ITEM_INFO_RECEIVED fails for something we asked for.
- Tweak Shadow to handle multidotting (+Void Torrent) when forcing ST vs. AOE.