3960 commits
to thewarwithin
since this release
v9.2.0-1.0.9 (2022-03-16)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
- Update pkgmeta.
- Balance, Beast Mastery, Marksmanship, Arcane, Windwalker, Outlaw, Subtlety, Ele, Enhance, Demo, Destruction updates.
- Move "unable to flash" messages to Warnings.
- Unbreak X/Y options.
- More revisions to Options interface.
- Format and transliterate localized aura names in snapshots.
- Ignore Spinning Crane Kick cast timing so abilities can be recommended sooner.
- Ensure multi-edit uses the most deeply nested 'get' function.
- Edit multiple displays at once.
- Retribution priority tweaks for Cooldowns display and desynchronization.
- Added ability to not feign ability cooldowns when they are shifted to the Cooldowns display (see Spec > Toggles > Cooldowns section).
- Try to avoid checking if an ability is flashable when SpellFlash has unregistered its buttons.
- Cache loaded strings to reduce overhead on reloading functions.
- Force purge of hostile auras after exiting combat if they haven't naturally expired.
- Remove deprecated slash commands; improve profile swapping.
- Add /hek dotinfo to see current tracked de/buffs.
- Support Swirling Currents conduit.
- Fury priority adjustments; split Reckless Abandon abilities from baseline abilities.
- Balance, Havoc, Rogue updates.