This is a shallow interface for spectraljet, which is itself a python package. Spectraljet is not a fast algorithm to start with, and python is not a fast language, so there is some irony in this being a fastjet plugin. None the less, the algorithm has some interesting behaviour, that we wish to test on more general data. The most convenient way to do this is a fastjet plugin.
In order to use this package, you will need spectraljet, So start with the installation instructions there. Once that is working, check it is available as a module from any other location. If you should get;
$ python3 -m spectraljet.interface
Error, no arguments found
If instead you get some variation of a ModuleNotFoundError
try adding the directory you installed
spectraljet to your $PYTHONPATH
export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/path/to/folder/spectraljet/"
There are probably more elegant ways to solve that, but this works.
You likely already have fastjet installed, but if you don't, there are instructions at
Now, from inside this repository, doing;
$ make
should be sufficient.
To check everything worked try;
$ make example
$ example < example_data.dat
# read an event with 354 particles
Set up Spectral plugin
# FastJet release 3.3.4
# M. Cacciari, G.P. Salam and G. Soyez
# A software package for jet finding and analysis at colliders
# Please cite EPJC72(2012)1896 [arXiv:1111.6097] if you use this package
# for scientific work and optionally PLB641(2006)57 [hep-ph/0512210].
# FastJet is provided without warranty under the GNU GPL v2 or higher.
# It uses T. Chan's closest pair algorithm, S. Fortune's Voronoi code
# and 3rd party plugin jet algorithms. See COPYING file for details.
Getting kinematics
Trying a python call
Ran SpectralLong
Printing inclusive jets with pt > 5 GeV
jet # rapidity phi pt m e n constituents
0 -0.867 2.905 983.280 36.457 1377.658 34
1 0.221 6.030 898.497 45.838 921.699 28
2 -2.818 6.092 67.431 359.570 3072.139 38
3 0.331 0.570 16.511 8.539 19.615 23
4 -1.239 0.769 8.323 5.915 19.099 14
5 -2.469 1.034 7.988 3.233 51.230 9
6 -1.637 4.019 7.600 3.989 22.902 7
7 -4.774 4.081 5.720 6.655 519.282 16
8 -4.358 1.467 5.694 4.408 281.330 12
Hopefully that's what you got?
If not, feel free to get in touch/send me a message.