In this personal project, we will be creating a magic 8 ball that will answer all your desires.
I plan to have a visible 8-ball on the front page with changeable text inside so when you push the button, the ball will shake a little and then give a response
Slowly i am going to be working on this project, till i am satisfied with the result. (we all know a projects is never complete).
1.) First thing i plan on doing is first I need the images i plan on using. I plan to go to unsplash and get a free photo of a magic 8 ball, however if it does need editing I will edit the photo in photoshop. I was not able to find a photo in unsplash, but i did find one in Yes I am going to have to take it to PS to edit the background out. I also created a blue transparent triable to represent the inisde of the ball. I place to have that shake as well when button is pushed. more effects.
2.) now that i have completed the photo editing and triangle, it is time to put these items in HTML. create your basic HTml and and two images. I made a IMG folder to keep everything organized. Yes these photos should up next to each other.
First, we need to create an Array with a list of phrases that we are going to cover.