(WoW 1.12.1 Addon)
Addon tracks Sunder Armor casts of players in party/raid and displays recent casts in a movable/resizeable/hideable panel. Each row displays player's name that casted Sunder and a color based on it's success (red - missed, green - hit).
A history of every sunder casted per player is kept internally and is refreshed when WoW GUI is reloaded (/reload
) or user disconnects. To print history to chat - type /ss history
NOTE: only tracks Sunder Armor casts of those who also have this addon AND/OR DPSMate!
Required dependency - KLHThreatMeter (KTM 17.35)
Addon depends on KTM to bind on its function to track when Sunder Armor is casted. More information why tracking it is difficult on KTM's repository - link
DPSMate Events are also used to track sunder casts of other players (that do not use this addons) - this means that you will see information from those who have DPSMate installed (you don't have to have it installed yourself).
Installation is the same as any addon:
Download and put Sunderstruck
folder in your ...\Interface\AddOns
File structure should look like (make sure you have KLHThreatMeter
└── Addons/
├── Sunderstruck/
├── KLHThreatMeter/
├── ...
type /ss
to display usage information:
/ss hide -> hides display panel (still tracks and sends information)
/ss lock -> locks display panel in place preventing moving and resizing
/ss alpha <0-1> -> changes the alpha channel of panel's background (0 - invisible, 1 - fully visible)
/ss row_alpha <0-1> -> changes the alpha channel of player rows (0 - invisible, 1 - fully visible; Name will always be displayed)
/ss test -> displays all player rows with test names
/ss clear -> clears and reset the rows AND sunders history
/ss history -> prints sunder count per player to chat (history resets on GUI reload)
/ss check -> prints version information from other players with this addon AND KTM+DPSMate (their sunders are also recorded)