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Shadow ban detection

Hydro74000 edited this page Nov 27, 2017 · 2 revisions

Detect shadow ban and remove account (sends webhook for shadow ban to Discord)

It marks sbanned when the following conditions are met.

  1. Within SB_QUARANTINE_SECONDS, sighting count > SB_MIN_SIGHTING_COUNT and uncommon count is 0.
  2. Encounter misses more than SB_MAX_ENC_MISS times.


### Shadown ban module
#SB_COMMON_POKEMON_IDS = (16,19,23,27,29,32,41,43,46,52,54,60,69,72,74,77,81,98,118,120,129,161,165,167,177,183,187,191,194,198,209,218)
#SB_MAX_ENC_MISS = 3           # Number of encounter misses before account is marked as sbanned
#SB_MIN_SIGHTING_COUNT = 30    # Minimum sightings required to flag SB
#SB_QUARANTINE_VISITS = 12     # Number of mininum visits needed to check if an account has seen any uncommon
#SB_WEBHOOK = None             # Define webhook end point for SB. Payload is Discord type.