A collection of awesome Blazor resources.
Blazor is a .NET web framework using C#/Razor and HTML that runs in the browser with WebAssembly.
Contributions are always welcome! Please take a look at the contribution guidelines pages first. Thanks to all contributors, you're awesome and wouldn't be possible without you!
If you need to search on this list you can try this great website: Awesome Blazor Browser.
Thanks @jsakamoto for this! Source code
- Introduction
- General
- Templates
- Sample Projects
- Tutorials
- Libraries & Extensions
- Real-World applications
- Videos
- Articles
- Podcasts
- Presentations slides
- Tooling
- Books
- E-Books
- Courses
- Community
- Other Languages
- Several session about Blazor, check out the schedule.
- January 24-26, 2022
- Conference website.
Blazor is a .NET web framework to build client web apps with C#.
Blazor lets you build interactive web UIs using C# instead of JavaScript. Blazor apps are composed of reusable web UI components implemented using C#, HTML, and CSS. Both client and server code is written in C#, allowing you to share code and libraries. More information on the official Blazor website.
To get started with Blazor, follow the instructions in the Blazor Get Started documentation.
Doing the Build a web app with Blazor learning session on Microsoft Learn can also be a good idea. Another great resource to start is the beginner serie by Jeff Fritz on Channel9 or YouTube.
- ASP.NET Blog's archives - Archives of the ASP.NET blog about Blazor.
- Blazor - Official website of Blazor, from Microsoft.
- Blazor courses on Microsoft Learn - Blazor courses on Microsoft Learn.
- Blazor-Dev gallery on .NET Foundation - Daily builds of the 'dev' branch of Blazor.
- Blazor Extensions - Curated extensions for Microsoft ASP.Net Core Blazor.
- Blazor University - Unofficial documentation website.
- Demo - Official basic demo website.
- Documentation - Official documentation, by Microsoft.
- eShopOnBlazor -
Migration of a traditional ASP.NET Web Forms app to Blazor, sample by Microsoft Architecture.
- FAQ - FAQ.
- GitHub repository -
The official Blazor repository (which is the ASP.NET Core repository).
- 'Hello World' sample - 'Hello World' sample.
- Introduction to ASP.NET Core - Introduction to ASP.NET Core.
- Workshop -
Build a complete Blazor app and learn about the various Blazor framework features along the way.
- Blazor WebAssembly performance best practices - ASP.NET Core Blazor WebAssembly performance best practices, by Pranav Krishnamoorthy and Steve Sanderson.
- themesof.net - .NET 6 planning process.
- 30 seconds of Blazor - Collection of useful snippets, inspired by the popular 30 seconds of JavaScript and React.
- Blazor Hero -
- Clean Architecture Solution Template for Blazor WebAssembly built with MudBlazor Components. This project will make your Blazor Learning Process much easier than you anticipate. Blazor Hero is meant to be an Enterprise Level Boilerplate, which comes free of cost, completely open sourced. Read the Quick Start Guide here.
- BlazorBoilerplate -
Real World Admin Dashboard / Starter kit with IdentityServer4 Material Design. Demo.
- BlazorWithIdentity -
A sample project showcasing a Blazor app using EF Core with Identity authentication.
- Authentication with client-side Blazor -
Authentication with client-side Blazor using WebAPI and ASP.NET Core Identity. Blog post.
- TheIdServer -
OpenID/Connect server base on IdentityServer4.
- Blazor-WASM-Identity-gRPC -
Blazor WASM, IdentityServer4 & gRPC with roles authorization.
- Blorc.OpenIdConnect -
The right way to use OpenID Connect on Blazor.
- Blazor-WASM-AzureAD-gRPC -
Blazor WASM, Azure AD, REST & gRPC.
- Blazor-WASM-Auth0-gRPC -
Blazor WASM, Auth0, REST & gRPC.
- Quiz manager secured by Auth0 -
This repository contains a Blazor WebAssembly application implementing a simple Quiz manager secured by Auth0. The implementation details are described in the following article: Securing Blazor WebAssembly Apps.
- Blazor-WASM-Identity-gRPC-Alexa -
Blazor WASM, IdentityServer4 , gRPC with roles authorization & Alexa Skill Backend.
- EventGrid Viewer Blazor -
Blazor Server app that displays EventGrid messages in realtime & allows the ability to secure the app using Azure AD, KeyVault & Managed Identities.
- FairPlayTube -
Blazor Web Assembly app with .NET 5 Hosted API to teach how to create video sharing portals with Blazor, .NET and Azure.
- Blogifier -
ASP.NET Core Blogging application with Blazor Admin Dashboard. Demo.
- eShopOnBlazor -
Migration of a traditional ASP.NET Web Forms app to Blazor.
- RapidCMS -
A code-first, extensible Blazor app that generates a CMS for your own database.
- JHipster.NET
JHipster is a well-known platform for generating modern application in java world. JHipster provides a blueprints system that allows to override the default behavior of the generator. JHipster.NET is a blueprint that overrides the back-end part, originally generated in spring boot, by back-end in asp.net core. For the front-end all the common language can be used (angular, react), including Blazor.
- BlazorShop -
Simple shop application built with Blazor WebAssembly.
- Atlas -
A forum software built with ASP.NET Core Blazor WebAssembly.
- StartBootstrap.Freelancer.Blazor -
Freelancer is a bootstrap template ideal for small portfolio web sites. It's powered by Kentico Kontent - a headless CMS with a comprehensive ecosystem for .NET developers.
- Umbraco9 & Blazor WASM Starter Site -
A simple starter site for Umbraco v9, making use of Blazor WebAssembly with Tailwind CSS/UI. A project that I use to play around and experiment with Umbraco 9, Blazor WebAssembly, TailwindCSS, the Block List Editor, and several other concepts.
- BlazorGames -
This project is a Blazor WebAssembly project where we design, model, implement, and play common board and card games. This website is deployed here: blazorgames.net.
- AsteroidsWasm -
Collection of .NET 5 C# applications consuming a single .NET Standard project running in: Blazor Client (WebAssembly), Blazor Server, Electron (via Blazor Server), WPF, WinForms, Xamarin. Demo.
- Trains.NET -
2D game built with .NET and C# on a Twitch stream. Trains is available to play online at https://jamesformica.github.io/trains (Mirror at https://wengier.com/trains if that doesn't work).
- DiabloBlazor -
Blazor port of DiabloWeb, making it a double WebAssembly app: a WebAssembly (C#) PWA hosting a WebAssembly (C++) game. Demo.
- Flappy Blazor Bird -
Blazor Flappy Bird's port. [Wasm Demo] | [Multiplayer Demo].
- Board Games -
Fusion + Blazor sample and a fully functional web app allowing you to play real-time multiplayer board games. Demo.
- BlazorPong -
- Pong in Blazor server model and Wasm model using SignalR Core. Server Demo. Wasm Demo.
- Minesweeper -
Minesweeper using C# and Blazor WebAssembly.
- ZXSpectrum -
ZX Spectrum emulator running on Blazor WebAssembly. Demo.
- SoccerPong -
A soccer variant of classic Pong using Blazor WebAssembly. Demo.
- ABlazorPong -
A classic Pong in Blazor WebAssembly, with sounds, without a single line of Javascript. Demo.
- Game of Life -
Game of life.
- Blazor + Electron - Host Razor Components inside an Electron shell. This allows for modern, high-performance cross-platform desktop apps built with .NET and web technologies.
- Blazor + WebWindow - WebWindow is like Electron, but without bundling Node.js or Chromium, and without most of the APIs. WebWindow source code. Blazor + WebWindow sample here.
- desktoploveblazorweb -
desktoploveblazorweb is a cross-platform desktop application template (mobile support in the future) based on Blazor Server, which uses an in-process ASP.NET Core server + in-process OS WebView component.
- Blazor + Umbraco Heartcore -
Example of using Umbraco Heartcore with Blazor.
- Blazorade Teams -
A Blazor component library that is designed to be used when building applications for Microsoft Teams. Be sure to also check out the initial announcement for Blazorade Teams.
- GraphQL in ASP.NET Core using HotChocolate -
GraphQL in ASP.NET Core using HotChocolate. Source code of this tutorial: Consuming GraphQL API In ASP.NET Core.
- RemoteBlazorWebView -
RemoteBlazorWebView enables you to interact with the user interface of a program developed with either the BlazorWebView WPF control or WinForms control using a web browser.
- Photino -
Build native, cross-platform desktop apps that are lighter than light. Photino is a lightweight open-source framework for building native, cross-platform desktop applications with Web UI technology.
- PresenceLight -
PresenceLight is a solution to broadcast your various statuses to a Phillips Hue or LIFX light bulb. Some statuses you can broadcast are: your availability in Microsoft Teams, your current Windows 10 theme, and a theme or color of your choosing. Blog post. Demo video.
- Meadow Weather -
In this sample, a Meadow microcontroller polls data from a LM35 temperature sensor. That data is sent via HTTP request to an API controller endpoint and stored in a database where it can be visualized in a chart using a Blazor web app.
- Logging.Samples -
Samples for .NET Core and ASP.NET Core logging using various logger frameworks.
- Scalable sentiment analysis -
A sample ables to make sentiment analysis prediction/detection of what the user is writing in a very UI interactive app (Blazor based) in the client side and running an ML.NET model (Sentiment analysis based on binary-classification) in the server side.
- optimizer.ml -
A "server-less" general purpose optimization suite for algorithm parameters. Also provides offline optimization of Quantconnect Lean trading algorithms. Demo (https://optimizer.ml).
- Baseball Machine Learning Workbench -
A web application that showcases performing what-if analysis using in-memory Machine Learning models. Live demo.
- BlazorML5 -
ML5 Machine Learning for Blazor with JSInterop mechanism.
- Mobile Blazor Bindings - Experimental Mobile Blazor Bindings - Build native mobile apps with Blazor.
- WalkingTec.Mvvm (WTM) -
A development framework based on .NET Core and EF. It supports Blazor, Vue, React and LayUI with one click code generation for CRUD, Import/Export, etc. Website.
- Bolero.TodoMVC -
A TodoMVC clone using Bolero.
- Flight Finder -
Flight Finder.
- Oqtane Framework -
Modular Application Framework for Blazor.
- LinqToTwitter Blazor sample -
LINQ Provider for the Twitter API (Twitter Library).
- BlazorFileReader -
Read-only File streams in Blazor. Demo.
- eShopOnBlazor -
Migration of a traditional ASP.NET Web Forms app to Blazor.
- BlazorChatSample -
Blazor chat demo using SignalR JS client with interop.
- BlazorCRUD -
Sample line of business application that illustrates key features of Blazor. Demo.
- Money -
A money manager implemented using CQRS+ES. Demo.
- CleanArchitecture -
Clean Architecture Template for Blazor WebAssembly Built with MudBlazor Components.
- Blazor Weather -
A Blazor Weather sample app that shows the current weather for your current location and a collection of pinned locations. Demonstrated at .NET Conf 2019 by Daniel Roth. Demo.
- NethereumBlazor -
Ethereum blockchain explorer and simple wallet.
- BlazorDynamicList -
Dynamic component binding for a generic list. Demo.
- WebSocketPage -
Web Socket in Blazor. demo.
- Planetary Docs -
This repository is intended to showcase a full application that supports Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations (CRUD) using Blazor (Server), Entity Framework Core and Azure Cosmos DB. This repository is upgraded to .NET 6 and EF Core 6.
- FFmpegBlazor -
FFmpegBlazor provides ability to utilize ffmpeg.wasm from Blazor Wasm C#. ffmpeg.wasm
is a pure Webassembly / Javascript port of FFmpeg. It enables video & audio record, convert and stream right inside browsers.
- Planning Poker –
An app to play Planning Poker for distributed teams. The app is implemented using Blazor and shows how to switch between client-side and server-side mode with a configuration change. Demo.
- C# Regex Tester online -
Online tool for verify .Net regex syntax. (Demo).
- C# Regex Online tool -
Online tool for verify .Net regex syntax, see splits list, table etc. (Demo).
- Blazor Tour of Heroes - Blazor Tour of Heroes, using Blazor-State(State Management architecture utilizing the MediatR pipeline) for the Redux style state.
- Cognitive Studio -
PWA enabled app used to showcase what Cognitive Services can do, built-in client-side Blazor. Demo.
- Blazor Wake-on-LAN -
Wake-on-LAN app for local networks. Blazor Server + EF Core + DI + CI.
- Dcidr -
Blazor WebAssembly decision-making app with PWA (offline), localstorage, and Excel export. Demo.
- BlazingWaffles -
A Blazor app that wraps Waffle Generator. The generator outputs readable gibberish that can be used in place of Lorum Ipsum. Demo.
- Cærostris -
A Blazor Spotify client.
- Nethereum Playground -
Compile and run Nethereum snippets on the browser. You can run it here: http://playground.nethereum.com/.
- Realtime chat app with WebAssembly -
Real-time chat application with SignalR, .NET and Blazor/WebAssembly.
- BlazorConduit -
The RealWorld example app written using Blazor. Demo.
- Blazor MealPlanner -
MealPlanner is developed in Blazor Web Assembly PWA (offline), The app is using local storage for storing the meal plans. (Demo AzureStaticWeb) (Demo Github Pages)
- BlazorPowerHour -
The Blazor Power Hour show index, by Ed Charbeneau.
- BlazorTemplates -
A collection of blazor templates, designed for common use cases for new projects.
- Modulight -
A light modular framework aimed to be low intrusive based on dependency injection for Blazor. Support lazy loading and prerendering for javascript, css stylesheets, and assemblies. Built with the new features introduced in .NET 5 such as WebAssembly Lazy Loading and Javascript Isolation.
- Time Mage -
A Blazor PWA which has Timers, a Stopwatch, and Interval Timers. Demo.
- TypinExamples -
A sample project that demonstrates the usage of Typin framework with a Blazor SPA application (Xterm.js and custom web workers implementation in C# to emulate terminal experience in browser). Live demo.
- Unofficial eShopOnContainers -
Unofficial Blazor WebAssembly client for eShopOnContainers.
- Picat Language IDE -
IDE for the Picat logic programming language based on the Monaco Editor. Demo.
- UpBlazor -
Blazor Server integrating with Up bank (an Australian digital bank), to assist users with budgeting and to gain powerful future insights. Uses Clean Architecture and Marten DB.
- WordTester -
An application for learning foreign words using flashcards and spaced repetition.
- Blazor workshop -
Blazor app building workshop by .NET Foundation, Blazzing Pizza.
- Build the Game of Life with Blazor - August, 2021 - Build the Game of Life with Blazor. Source code
- Blazor Meadow Web API Weather Chart.js - June 2021 - Display sensor data using Chart.js in a Blazor application. Source code
- Setup Blazor app using ASP.NET Core Empty project template - May, 2021 - Setup Blazor app using ASP.NET Core Empty project template.
- Tetris in Blazor - April, 2021 - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6. Source code
- Using MudBlazor to Create Reach and Functional Product’s Details Page - April 27, 2021 - Using MudBlazor to Create Reach and Functional Product’s Details Page.
- Building a Dashboard - April 23, 2021 - Tutorial on how to build a dashboard.
- Rendering dynamic content in Blazor Wasm using DynamicComponent - April 20, 2021 - Rendering dynamic content in Blazor Wasm using DynamicComponent.
- Blazor Material Table – Server-Side Paging, Searching, Sorting - April 19, 2021 - Blazor Material Table – Server-Side Paging, Searching, Sorting.
- Setting dynamic metadata for Blazor Web Assembly - March 23, 2021 - This post shows how HTML header meta data can be dynamically updated or changed for a Blazor Web assembly application routes hosted in ASP.NET Core. This can be usually for changing how URL link previews are displayed when sharing links. Source code
- How to use gRPC-Web with Blazor WebAssembly on App Service - March 15, 2021 - How to use gRPC-Web with Blazor WebAssembly on App Service.
- How to deploy Blazor WebAssembly to Cloudflare - March 14, 2021 - How to deploy Blazor WebAssembly to Cloudflare. Source code
- Overriding components in Blazor - February 27, 2021 - If you use a component library in your project, you might want to override a component somewhere deep down in the component hierarchy without having to override the whole hierarchy.
- Build a Blazor 'Copy to Clipboard' component with a Markdown editor - February 18, 2021 - Let's build a 'Copy to Clipboard' component, where we can copy Markdown content to the clipboard.
- Blazor on Desktop - February 17, 2021 - This post explores how to make Blazor web apps run on Desktop.
- Using source generators to generate a menu component in a Blazor app - February 16, 2021 - Using source generators to generate a menu component in a Blazor app.
- The tablet app – part 1 - February 12, 2021 - Making an espresso machine smart, with .NET and Mobile Blazor Bindings.
- Download Files from Azure with .NET Core Web API and Blazor WebAssembly - February 9, 2021 - In this article, we are going to learn how to download files from Azure using ASP.NET Core Web API as the server-side project and Blazor WebAssembly as the client-side. This article is a continuation of a previous one where we learned about uploading files to Azure. In that article, we also created Azure storage, so if you don’t have one created, you can do it following the instructions from the mentioned article. Source code
- Using source generators to find all routable components in a Blazor WebAssembly app - February 9, 2021 - The previous post described a way to find all the "routable" components in a Blazor app using reflection. This post shows an alternative approach using a source generator.
- Custom Xamarin Controls with Blazor Mobile Bindings - February 8, 2021 - Blazor Mobile Bindings is exciting, but also encourages reusability. We take a look as how to wrap custom Xamarin.Forms UI as Blazor components.
- Create a Blazor Server app that uses the Microsoft identity platform for authentication - October 2020 - Tutorial by Microsoft. Blazor Server provides support for hosting Razor components on the server in an ASP.NET Core app. In this tutorial, you learn how to implement authentication and retrieve data from Microsoft Graph in a Blazor Server app with the Microsoft identity platform.
- Consuming GraphQL API In ASP.NET Core - January, 2021 - Consuming GraphQL API In ASP.NET Core: Part 1, Part2. Source code
- Prerending a Blazor WebAssembly app to static files, without an ASP.NET Core host app - January 26, 2021 - This post describes how you can prerender all the pages in a Blazor WebAssembly app, without requiring a host app. That means you can still host your Blazor WebAssembly as static files using GitHub Pages or Netlify, without requiring a backend server. Source code
- Authentication in Blazor WebAssembly Hosted Applications - January 22, 2021 - Authentication in Blazor WebAssembly Hosted Applications, by Code Maze. Source code
- Blast Off with Blazor: Build a search-as-you-type box - January 14, 2021 - This post shows how to build a quick search box that filters our images.
- Boids in your Browser with Blazor - January 8, 2021 - How to model graphics in C# and render them on a HTML Canvas with JavaScript. Source code
- Blazor WebAssembly I18n from Start to Finish - January 7, 2021 - Blazor is a strong C#-based framework from Microsoft that allows us to create an interactive, client-side web user interface (UI) using .NET. In this tutorial, we will explore how to implement internationalization (i18n) in a Blazor WebAssembly app.
- Pre-render Blazor WebAssembly at build time to optimize for search engines - January 3, 2021 - Pre-render Blazor WebAssembly at build time to optimize for search engines.
- Archives - 2020,2019, 2018.
Reusable components like buttons, inputs, grids and more. See also the Blazor component bundles feature comparison chart.
- FAST -
FAST is a collection of technologies built on Web Components and modern Web Standards, designed to help you efficiently tackle some of the most common challenges in website and application design and development. FAST & Blazor documentation.
- Ant Design Blazor -
A set of enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Blazor. (Docs as Demo).
- MatBlazor -
Material Design components for Blazor. (Demo).
- Blazorise -
Components for Blazor with support for Bootstrap, Bulma, AntDesign and Material CSS. (Bootstrap Demo), (Bulma Demo), (AntDesign Demo), (Material Demo).
- MudBlazor -
MudBlazor is an ambitious Material Design component framework for Blazor with an emphasis on ease of use and clear structure. It is perfect for .NET developers who want to rapidly build web applications without having to struggle with CSS and Javascript. MudBlazor, being written entirely in C#, empowers them to adapt, fix or extend the framework and the multitude of examples in the documentation makes learning MudBlazor very easy. Documentation. Demo.
- Radzen.Blazor -
Native UI components for Blazor. DataGrid, DataList, Tabs, Dialog and more. (Demo).
- BootstrapBlazor -
Reusable bootstrap components for Blazor. (Docs as Demo).
- BlazorStrap -
Material Design components for Blazor. Bootstrap 4 components for Blazor (Demo).
- FAST Blazor -
A lightweight wrapper around Microsoft's official FluentUI Web Components for use with .NET 6.0 Razor views & Blazor. (Samples & demo).
- Element-Blazor -
A blazor component library using Element UI. API imitates Element, CSS directly uses Element's style, HTML structure directly uses Element's HTML structure. Blazor WebAssembly Version demo. Blazor WebAssembly Version PWA Mode demo.
- BlazorFluentUI -
Simple port of FluenUI/Office Fabric React components and style to Blazor. Client-side demo (WebAssembly). Server-side demo (SignalR).
- ComponentOne Blazor UI Components - External link. A fast datagrid, listview, input and other native Blazor components for server and client-side apps.
- DevExpress Blazor UI Components -
A set of native UI Blazor components (including a Data Grid, Pivot Grid, Scheduler, and Charts) for both Blazor server-side and Blazor client-side platforms.
- BootstrapBalzor -
Reusable bootstrap components for Blazor. (Docs as Demo).
- Syncfusion Blazor UI Components -
The most comprehensive native Blazor component library including Data Grid, Charts, Scheduler, Diagram and Document Editor components. (Demo).
ADMINLTE for Blazor is a collection of reusable components, with which you can easily develop digital services as a designer or developer. Think of buttons, form elements and page templates. This project adapts ADMINLTE 3 so the components can be used from dotnet core Blazor.
- Blazority -
Blazor component library based on the Clarity UI design. 30+ components including Datagrid and Tree-view (Docs & Demos).
- Material.Blazor -
An alternative Material Theme Razor Component Library. Material.Blazor focuses sharply on giving you pure markup from Google's material-components-web - we don't try to sit between you and your use of Google's CSS and SASS because they do it better than we ever could. We also have some cool "plus" components. See our demo and comprehensive documentation.
- Majorsoft Blazor Components -
Majorsoft Majorsoft Blazor Components is a set of UI Components and other useful Extensions for Blazor applications. All components are free and available on NuGet. The main goal of this project is to provide an easy to use, feature reach set of customizable components with other useful extensions. NuGet Demo app Docs.
- LoreSoft.Blazor.Controls -
Auto-complete (Typeahead) textbox with local and remote data source, for both Client-side and Server-Side Blazor. Also has DateTimePicker and ToggleSwitch. Demo.
- MComponents -
Open Source MIT Blazor Components: Grid, Select, Wizard etc.
- PanoramicData Blazor UI Components -
An open source library of Blazor components including Table, Tree, ToolBar and FileExplorer. Demo.
- HAVIT Blazor -
Bootstrap 5 components + additional components built on top of Bootstrap 5 (grid, autosuggest, message-boxes, atc.). Enterprise project template with gRPC code-first client/server communication, localization and more. Interactive documentation & Demos.
- Blazority -
Blazor component library based on the Clarity UI design. 30+ components including Datagrid and Tree-view (Docs & Demos).
- Telerik UI for Blazor - External link (telerik.com). A native set of UI components for Blazor, including grid, charting, and calendar components.
- Start Blazoring - A Blazor starter template built using your choice of Blazorise or MudBlazor, with more UI library integration coming. It offers a myriad of features such as user registration, login, password reset, two factor; user management, roles, permissioning; background workers, logging, caching, email templates, localization and many more.
- jQWidgets Blazor UI Components -
Feature-complete UI components including DataGrid, Scheduler, Charting, Pivot and more. Website.
- Smart UI for Blazor -
Component library for Blazor including Grid, Kanban, Gantt, Chart, Docking, Pivot and more. Website.
- TabBlazor -
Blazor Admin theme built on top of Tabler UI. Minimal javascript. Demo.
- Blazor.Ionic -
Ionic framework integration for Blazor.
- Blazor Controls Toolkit - Complete toolset for implementing commercial business applications. It includes the equivalent of all Bootstrap JavaScript components, all html5 input types with widgets fallbacks, advanced editable components like DataGrid, TreeView, DetailView, ModalDetail, DetailList. All components have default customizable templates, and support virtualizazion and Drag & Drop. Component rendering is meta-data driven, so component configuration is in part automatic, and in part can be driven with data annotations. The toolset includes also query tools, to issue complex local or remote queries, changes-tracking tools to send only the changed records to the server, advanced validation attributes, globalization tools, "Behaviors" that modify existing components, state management and save, and more.
- Canvas -
HTML5 Canvas API implementation for Microsoft Blazor.
- Head Element Helper -
components for changing the document titile and meta elements, with server-side prerendering support for SEO/OGP. (Demo). - Blazor.Canvas -
Wrapper library around the HTML canvas API written in C# (no JS dependency) (Demo).
- BlazorGooglePay -
Blazor wrapper around Js Google Pay, library based on BrowserInterop.
- BlazorIntersectionObserver -
This is a wrapper around the Intersection Observer API.
- ChartJs.Blazor -
Brings ChartJs charts to Blazor.
- GG.Net Data Visualization -
Interactive and flexible charts for Blazor Web Apps. Taking its inspiration from the highly popular ggpplot2 R package, GG.Net provides natively rich features for your Data Analysis Workflow. Build publication quality charts with just a few lines of code. Website.
- Blazor-ApexCharts -
Blazor wrapper for ApexCharts. Demo.
- Plotly.Blazor -
Brings the charting library plotly.js with over 40 chart types to Blazor (Demo).
- BlazorSize -
BlazorSize is a JavaScript interop library for Blazor that is used to detect the Browser's current size, change in size, and test media queries.
- BlazorAnimation -
A Blazor component based on animate.css to easly animate your content. Demo.
- Grid.Blazor -
Grid component with CRUD forms for Blazor and ASP.NET MVC, supporting filtering, sorting, searching, paging, subgrids and others (Demo).
- BlazorGrid -
Virtualized data grid component with lean markup, focused on displaying remote data. (Demo & documentation).
- BlazorTable -
A Table Control for Blazor with sorting, paging, filtering and more (Demo).
- WpfGridLayout.Blazor -
Provide a simple way to create a grid layout like WPF in Blazor.
- BlazorDateRangePicker -
A date range picker component library for Blazor. Demo.
- FlatpickrBlazor -
Flatpickr Blazor interop.Demo.
- Toast_UI.Blazor_Calendar -
A fully featured calendar UI component for viewing and creating events, tasks, and milestones. Month, week, and daily views. Blazor Calendar wraps the fully featured Toast UI Calendar JS library. MIT License. Sample project.
- BlazorGoogleMaps -
Blazor interop for GoogleMap library.
- RazorComponents.Markdown -
A razor component for Markdown rendering which supports LaTeX, Mermaid diagram, code highlighting and extensions based on Markdig.
- Blazor Markdown -
A Blazor Markdown component that enables you to include Markdown files in your server-side Blazor apps.
- Blazored.Modal -
A JavaScript free modal library for Blazor and Razor Components applications.
- Blazored.Toast -
A JavaScript free toast library for Blazor and Razor Component applications.
- BlazorXTabs -
An extended tabs component library providing various tab features for Blazor.
- bUnit - a testing library for Blazor components -
A testing library for Blazor Components. You can easily define components under test in C# or Razor syntax and verify outcome using semantic HTML diffing/comparison logic. You can easily interact with and inspect components, trigger event handlers, provide cascading values, inject services, mock IJsRuntime, and perform snapshot testing.
- Verify.Blazor - a snapshot testing library for Blazor components -
A snapshot testing library for Blazor Components. Supports rendering Blazor Components to a snapshot file via bunit or via raw Blazor rendering.
- Stl.Fusion -
.NET Core and Blazor library that attempts to dramatically improve the way we implement real-time and high-load services by introducing a novel kind of "computed observables" - immutable, thread-safe, and most importantly, almost invisible for developers. Samples. Overview.
- BlazorContextMenu -
A context menu component for Blazor (Demo).
- BlazorInputFile -
A file input component for Blazor applications, by Steve Sanderson.
- Blazored.Typeahead -
Auto-complete textbox with local and remote data source, for both Client-side and Server-Side Blazor.
- Blazor-DragDrop -
Easy-to-use Drag and Drop library for Blazor.
- Blazored.Menu -
A JavaScript free menu library for Blazor and Razor Components applications.
- Blazor LoadingBar -
Loading bar UI for Client-Side Blazor application.
- Z.Blazor.Diagrams -
A fully customizable and extensible all-purpose diagrams library for Blazor, inspired by the popular react-diagrams library, with many additions. Demo.
- Excubo.Blazor.Diagrams -
Interactive diagram component (flowcharts, UML, BPMN, ...), customizable and extensible according to user needs (node types, styles). Demo.
- BlazorDownloadFile -
Blazor download files to the browser from c# without any JavaScript library or dependency.
- Blazor.SignaturePad -
A Blazor component library that utilizes Szymon Nowak's javascript library Signature Pad to implement smooth signature drawing on a HTML5 canvas.
- Blorc.PatternFly -
Blazor wrappers for PatternFly. To view the latest develop branch in action, visit the demo app.
- BlazorTransitionableRoute -
Allows current and previous route to exist enabling transition animations of UI/UX design systems.
- Blazor-Dom-Confetti -
Celebrate success with dom 🎉confetti🎉 on Blazor projects. Two versions, dom-confetti wrapper and native blazor 100% JS free.
- TwitterShareButton -
A Tweet Button component for Blazor.
- Blazor.LoadingIndicator -
Simple to use loading indicator helper library.
- BlazorTypography -
A powerful toolkit for building websites with beautiful design (Demo).
- Razor.SweetAlert2 -
Blazor component implementing the popular SweetAlert2 JavaScript Library.
- BlazorMonaco -
Blazor component for Microsoft's Monaco Editor which powers Visual Studio Code. (Demo).
- Blazor.Grids -
Component library for CSS grids with extra features, such as moving and resizing interactively. Create your own dashboard with ease. (Demo).
- Blazor.TreeViews -
Component library for tree views. (Demo).
- DnetOverlay -
Agular CDK Overlay implementation for Blazor.
- GEmojiSharp.Blazor -
GitHub Emoji for Blazor (Demo).
- Texnomic.Blazor.hCaptcha -
hCaptcha Component for Server-Side Blazor.
- BlazorDialog -
Dialog component as a service for Blazor. Demo.
- BlazorWheelZoom -
Zoom and move image with Blazor using mouse wheel and mouse drag - minimal javascript. Demo.
- AdvancedBlazorSelect2 -
Simple wrapper for Select2 with full support of databases and custom web APIs.
- BlazorLocalizationSample
The default project template localized using XLocalizer with online translation and auto resource creating.
- TimeCalc -
An app to help keep track of speed cubing averages on the fly using Blazor WebAssembly. Demo.
- BlazorSliders -
Create multiple panels separated by sliding splitters.
- BlazorTimeline -
Responsive, vertical timeline component.
- BlazorTypewriter -
A typewriter effect for Blazor.
- BlazorMergely -
An implementation of Blazor diff and merge component based on Mergely with server side support.
- MetaMask.Blazor -
A library that provides an easy helper to use MetaMask with Blazor WebAssembly.
- Blazor File Drop Zone -
Surround an "input type=file" element by this Blazor component to making a zone that accepts drag and drops files (Demo).
Libraries and extensions for state management, cookies, local storage and other specific tools.
- Fluxor -
Zero boilerplate Flux/Redux library for DotNet.
- SignalR -
SignalR Core implementation for Blazor. It uses the JavaScript client.
- Blazored.LocalStorage -
A library to provide access to local storage in Blazor applications.
- Storage -
HTML5 Storage API implementation for Microsoft Blazor.
- Blazor-State -
Manage client side state in Blazor using MediatR pipeline.
- bUnit - a testing library for Blazor components -
A testing library for Blazor Components. You can easily define components under test in C# or Razor syntax and verify outcome using semantic HTML diffing/comparison logic. You can easily interact with and inspect components, trigger event handlers, provide cascading values, inject services, mock IJsRuntime, and perform snapshot testing.
- Logging -
Microsoft Extension Logging implementation for Blazor.
- TextCopy -
A cross platform package to copy text to and from the clipboard. Supports Blazor via the Clipboard Browser API.
- CssBuilder -
CssBuilder is a Builder pattern for CSS classes to be used with Razor Components.
- Notifications -
HTML5 Notifications API implementation for Microsoft Blazor.
- Blazor.Polyfill -
Polyfills for Blazor (for Internet Explorer 11 support and some other browsers).
- Blazor I18n/Localization Text -
Localizing contents text in Blazor (Demo).
- BlazorGoogleMaps -
Blazor interop for GoogleMap library.
- BlazorWorker -
Library for creating DotNet Web Worker threads/multithreading in Blazor. Live demo.
- MvvmBlazor -
BlazorMVVM is a small framework for building Blazor and BlazorServerside apps. With it's simple to use MVVM pattern you can boost up your development speed while minimizing the hazzle to just make it work.
- Blazor.BrowserExtension -
Develop browser extensions/addons with Blazor WebAssembly. Tested with Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and MS Edge.
- Cortex.Net -
State management like MobX for .NET and Blazor. Documentation.
- Blazor Analytics - Blazor extensions for Analytics.
- Blazor PDF -
Generate de PDF document with iTextSharp from a Blazor Server App.
- Blazor SVG Helper -
Create SVG elements with children (circle, rectangle, image, text, and others) and render with RenderTreeBuilder.
- BlazorRouter -
BlazorRouter is an awesome router inspired by react-router, providing declarative routing for Blazor.
- DataJuggler.Blazor.FileUpload -
Wrapper for Steve Sanderson's BlazorFileInput component.
- BlazorPrettyCode - Blazor Code Component for documentation sites. Demo.
- Blazor.EventAggregator - Lightweight Event Aggregator for Blazor (Razor Components).
- Blazor Gamepad - Provides gamepad API access for Blazor.
- Blazor Hotkeys - A library to provide configuration-centric keyboard shortcuts for Blazor.
- BlazorRealm - Redux state management for Blazor.
- Blazor.LocalFiles - Open files in your browser and load into Blazor.
- Blazor.SpeechSynthesis -
A library to provide Speech Synthesis API access for Blazor.
- Blazor BarCode – A barcode library for Blazor using barcode fonts.
- BlazorState.Redux -
Develop Blazor apps with Redux.
- Howler.Blazor -
A Blazor JSInterop wrapper for Howler.js, an audio library.
- jsMind.Blazor -
A Blazor JSInterop wrapper for jsMind, a MindMapping tool.
- Blazor Highcharts -
A port of the popular Highcharts library. Demo.
- Blazor.LazyStyleSheet -
Lazy loading for CSS style sheets.
- Blazor.ScriptInjection -
Smart script tags in Blazor components, ideal for lazy loading of javascript files.
- DnetIndexedDb -
Blazor Library for IndexedDB DOM API.
- BlazorIndexedDbJs -
BlazorIndexedDbJs is a wrapper arround IndexedDB DOM API, supports Blazor WASM and Server.
- Blazor-Color-Picker -
Opens a palette with the Material colors for Blazor application.
- Blazor_EmojiFilePicker -
Bootstrap Text-Input with Smiley- and File-Support for Blazor.
- Blazor Library Asset Helper -
A VISX extension that can list all JS and CSS assets from Nuget package razor libraries you are using in your Blazor app. It will generate all the
tags for your HTML page for you to copy/paste. Available on the Visual Studio Marketplace. - Blazm.Bluetooth -
A Blazor library for connecting to devices using Bluetooth.
- WebBluetooth -
Blazor service for the experimental WebBluetooth functions. Based on Blazm.Bluetooth.
- BlazorApplicationInsights -
Application Insights for Blazor web applications.
- BracketShow.BlazorNavigationManagerExtensions -
Simple set of extensions for the Navigation Manager to simplify its usage for things we are likely to do in most of our Blazor applications.
- BlazorX.NavigationState -
BlazorX.NavigationState provides a set of utilities that allow you to observe and bind query strings directly to Blazor components.
- Blazor Printing -
Print and save PDF documents with a native print dialog in a Blazor Server or client Application.
- XLocalizer -
Easily localize Asp.Net Core web applications with online translation and auto resource creating.
- BlazorTemplater -
components to render HTML strings for email content. - MediaSession.Blazor -
A Blazor JSInterop wrapper for Media Session API. The Media Session API provides a way to customize media notifications. (Demo).
- Blazor Extensions Home -
Home for Blazor Extensions.
- Bolero -
Blazor for F# with hot reloaded templates, type-safe endpoints and routing, remoting, and much more.
- BlazorFabric -
Blazor port of Microsoft UI Fabric with fluent design. (Demo).
- BlazorWebView -
Blazor WebView control for WPF, Android, macOS, iOS. Run Blazor on .NET Core and Mono natively inside a Webview. Documentation.
- WebSocketHelper -
Helper for Web Socket in Blazor.
- BlazorLazyLoading -
Production ready lazy loading implementation. Full lazy loading support for WASM and Server (pages, components, dlls) with abstractions to implement modularization if you wish (custom endpoints, custom manifests, etc).
- SpotifyService -
A high-level Spotify API library for Blazor WebAssembly projects that enables Spotify playback in the browser, manages OAuth 2.0 authorization, provides easy access to the Spotify Web API and uses IndexedDB caching.
- Bionic - An Ionic CLI clone for Blazor projects.
- BlazorFileSaver - Blazor Component wrapper for FileSaver.js (Demo).
- Blazor.DownloadFileFast - Fast download of files to the browser from Blazor without any javascript library reference or dependency. (Demo).
- Blazor.DynamicJavascriptRuntime.Evaluator - Execute dynamic object expressions as Javascript in Blazor client-side apps.
- Blazor.AdaptiveCards - Adaptive Cards for Blazor. Documentation.
- EventHorizon Blazor TypeScript Interop Generator -
This project takes in a TypeScript type definition file and creates a .NET Core project that will work with the provided Interop abstraction project.
- Generators.Blazor -
Generators.Blazor is a source generator for improving performance in Blazor. The project also contains analyzers to detect common issues in Blazor apps.
- BlazorZXingJs -
Barcode/QRCode Reader and QRCode writer components. This is a Blazor wrapper around zxing-js library. It supports variety of barcode and 2d code types.
- Try .NET -
Try .NET provides developers and content authors with tools to create interactive experiences.
- C# Corner .NET Conference Day 1 -
January 24, 2022 - The first day of the conference kicks off with a keynote session by Scott Hunter. Day one is focused on front-end technologies (Blazor). Conference website.
- ASP.NET Community Standup - Blazor WebAssembly on .NET 6 -
January 11, 2021 - Join Blazor creator Steve Sanderson for a special look at Blazor WebAssembly on .NET 6. Community links.
- Publish a Blazor WebAssembly app and .NET API with Azure Static Web Apps -
December 6, 2021 - Automatically deploy and update a Blazor web application and its API from a GitHub repository. In this episode, you will clone and run an existing Blazor web app locally, create an API for the app with Azure Functions and publish the app and its API to Azure Static Web Apps.
- Learn Live - Build a web app with Blazor -
November 22, 2021 - Learn how to set up your development environment and build your first web app with Blazor, Visual Studio Code, and C#.
- Web Wednesday: Recapping .NET Conf with Jon Galloway -
November 17, 2021 - .NET Conf is a wrap, but all the goodness revealed during the conference is just getting started. Between Minimal APIs, performance improvements, and enhancements to some of your favorite features there's a lot to talk about. Jon Galloway joins us this week to cover some of the big updates, talk about his favorites, and how to start using some of the cool new toys today.
- Host, deploy and scale ASP.NET Core Blazor Server -
November 11, 2021 - Let's discuss Host configuration values, deployment, scalability, SignalR configuration, Azure SignalR Service and more.
- Full-stack .NET with Blazor WebAssembly and Azure Static Web Apps -
November 11, 2021 - With automatic global distribution, custom domains, and free SSL certificates, Azure Static Web Apps has everything you need to deploy modern web applications with serverless APIs. Join us to learn all about how to deploy Blazor WebAssembly apps with .NET Azure Functions to Azure Static Web Apps.
- What’s new in bUnit for .NET 6 -
November 11, 2021 - In this talk we will go through the latest additions and changes to bUnit that makes it simpler and easier than ever to test Blazor components. This includes the additions related to the new features that are part of the .NET 6 release of Blazor.
- Blazor and GraphQL -
November 11, 2021 - GraphQL is a powerful way of querying data. Creating loosely coupled clients using various JavaScript libraries to present data from a GraphQL API has been a popular architecture adopted by developers. How can we consume an GraphQL API in a Blazor WASM app to create rich apps? What if I can make it even better by using the content from a Headless CMS and present it using a Blazor App? In my session, I will make use of the GraphQL API from Umbraco Heartcore, a headless CMS, to create a Harry Potter themed Blazor App and present the data to the user in multiple ways.
- Embedding Power BI Reports in your Blazor 6 site -
November 11, 2021 - In this coding session, we will take a run-of-the-mill Blazor WebAssembly site, create a page with a report published in powerbi.com, we will then show how to use the ASP.NET Core identity services to protect reports from unauthorized eyes.
- Responsive and Adaptive Tactics for Blazor Applications -
November 11, 2021 - In this session you'll learn about CSS techniques like CSS Grid, Flexbox and media queries. We will also explore techniques for adaptive the user interface at runtime for maximum control. These tactics apply to Blazor WASM, Server, and Blazor Hybrid.
- New Blazor WebAssembly capabilities in .NET 6 -
November 10, 2021 - With .NET 6, the underlying .NET WebAssembly runtime supports entirely new kinds of functionality, and can be faster and more productive than ever before. "Native dependencies" enables embedding libraries from other tech stacks (e.g., a C/C++ database engine, or a Rust media processor). AOT compilation brings truly near-native performance to your .NET code in the browser, and the new build toolchain can now strip out unused native code to ship significantly smaller bundles. This talk explores how you can build new kinds of web apps, while having a more enjoyable and productive experience via instant hot reload and a better Razor editor.
- Blazor Azure B2C Authentication and Authorization -
November 10, 2021 - In this session we will cover how you can use Azure B2C authentication and authorization within your Blazor application to manage your users, and to allow your users to log in using their preferred social and enterprise logins.
- Build cross-platform native apps with .NET MAUI and Blazor -
November 9, 2021 - The power of Blazor is coming to native apps on desktop and mobile devices! Use existing Blazor web components and get the power of native apps, or supercharge your existing native apps with the power and reach of Blazor with the new BlazorWebView control for .NET MAUI, WPF, and WinForms.
- Enterprise-grade Blazor apps with .NET 6 -
November 9, 2021 - Blazor in .NET 6 gives you the functionality you need to build real world apps of any size and complexity. In this session we'll look at the new Blazor features in .NET 6 for practical web app development. We'll look at the new support for Hot Reload, error boundaries, state preservation during prerendering, faster file uploads, query string handling, adding page metadata, and integrating Blazor components into existing JavaScript based apps.
- Next-generation Blazor components with .NET 6 -
November 9, 2021 - Blazor in .NET 6 enables building even more powerful and flexible web UI components. In this session we'll look at the new improvements to the Blazor component model, including required component parameters, generic type inference from ancestor components, JavaScript initializers, and handling of static web assets.
- Minimal APIs in .NET 6 -
November 10, 2021 - In this talk, Safia and Stephen, developers from the ASP.NET team, will introduce you to minimal APIs, a new, low-ceremony way to build small HTTP APIs using ASP.NET Core. The demo includes a Blazor app.
- Introduction to .NET MAUI -
November 9, 2021 - .NET MAUI is the best way to build cross platform mobile and desktop apps with .NET and C#. Join Maddy Leger, .NET MAUI Program Manager, to get a first look of .NET MAUI in .NET 6 and learn how you can start using it today.
- Blazor Hot Reload in .NET 6 -
November 9, 2021 - With Blazor Hot Reload, you can save time by seeing your ASP.NET WebAssembly apps changes live! Here, Isadora will demo how to use this time and expense saving feature so you can make your WebAssembly apps even more awesome.
- .NET Conf 2021 - Day 1 -
November 9, 2021 - .NET Conf is a free, three day virtual developer event co-organized by the .NET community and Microsoft. This year .NET 6 will launch at .NET Conf 2021! Come celebrate and learn about the new release.
- Smaller & Faster Blazor WebAssembly apps with Runtime Relinking in .NET 6 -
November 9, 2021 - The new support for runtime relinking has made Blazor WebAssembly apps smaller and faster to download. In this demo, Daniel Roth will show how runtime relinking works while making the smallest WebAssembly app possible.
- Blazor WebAssembly AOT on Azure Static Web Apps in .NET 6 -
November 9, 2021 - Host your Blazor WebAssembly applications on Azure Static Web Apps. Anthony Chu will demo how to automatically build and deploy your app, utilize .NET 6, and improve your runtime performance with ahead-of-time compilation on Azure Static Web Apps.
- .NET Conf 2021 Keynote -
November 9, 2021 - Join Scott Hunter and team as they show you all the amazing things you can do with .NET 6.
- ASP.NET Community Standup - Blazor Native Interop with SkiaSharp -
October 26, 2021 - SkiaSharp is a cross-platform 2D graphics API for .NET platforms based on Google's Skia Graphics Library. It provides a comprehensive 2D API that can be used across mobile, server and desktop models to render images. In this edition of the Blazor community standup learn more about SkiaSharp, from Matthew Leibowitz. Community links.
- Blazor Updates in .NET 6 - Hot Reload, Query Parameters, and More -
October 25, 2021 - There are a lot of changes to Blazor in .NET 6. These are quality of life changes, not major shifts in how Blazor operates. In this video, we are going to look at a number of changes to Blazor that will directly impact and improve how you build Blazor apps.
- Web Wednesday: Creating full stack web apps with Blazor -
October 21, 2021 - Blazor provides an alternative option for building rich client-side web applications using .NET instead of JavaScript. The core of this framework is based on components, similar to JavaScript frameworks like Vue or React. In this session, we'll take a look at how this component model works.
- ASP.NET Community Standup - Exploring MudBlazor -
October 12, 2021 - In this edition of the Blazor community standup learn more about MudBlazor, a Material Design framework for Blazor with co-creators Jonny Larsson & Meinrad Recheis. Community links.
- Web Wednesday: ASP.NET Razor tips and tricks with Jon Galloway -
October 11, 2021 - Razor is a server-side, page-centric programming model for building webpages with ASP.NET Core. Razor has continued to mature over time, and has expanded to include numerous "quality-of-life" additions to make the developer's life easier. Jon Galloway joins us to talk about MVC and ASP.NET, and walks us through some of his favorite features, tips and tricks.
- Blast off with Blazor - Supercharged Enterprise UIs using AntDesign -
September 20, 2021 - AntBlazor is fully supported by the .NET Foundation and boasts an impressive following. The best part is the awesome documentation and code samples to get you up and running in no time.
- ASP.NET Community Standup - Blazor in .NET 6 RC1 -
September 14, 2021 - Find out what's new in Blazor in .NET 6 RC1. Community links.
- The .NET Docs Show - Micro frontends with Blazor -
August 31, 2021 - In this week's episode, Florian Rappl joins the panel to show us how to build websites using compositional UIs that grow naturally as your application scales.
- Blazor ListView Component -
August 27, 2021 - In this Blazor Components session, Fahad Mullaji aka @Curious Drive walks us through the various functionalities of the Telerik UI for Blazor ListView component. He explores the multiple List templates, focusing on the Header template which allows adding custom Blazor components, and footer template which shows the number of items in the list.
- The .NET Docs Show - Blazor component testing with bUnit -
August 23, 2021 - A new UI framework like Blazor means new unit testing scenarios! In this week's episode, community MVP Egil Hansen shows us bUnit, a unit testing library for Blazor components.
- Getting Started with Blazor Components -
August 26, 2021 - Join the amazing Fahad Mullaji a.k.a @Curious Drive in his "Getting Started with Telerik UI for Blazor" journey. In this video, he goes through five of the most practical and frequently used components – TextBox, DropDownList, AutoComplete, MultiSelect, and CheckBox.
- Planning, designing, and coding a Blazor site from scratch part 6 -
August 23, 2021 - In this episode, Jessica takes revenge on CSS, but the big question is.... Will she win? Adding responsiveness to the menu using only CSS.
- ASP.NET Community Standup - Exploring Blazorise -
August 17, 2021 - ASP.NET Community Standup - Exploring Blazorise with Mladen Macanović. Url list.
- Using SignalR in your Blazor applications -
August 19, 2021 - In this episode, David Pine joins Jeremy to show off this chat bot enabled demo that's powered by Blazor WASM and SignalR. Source code
. Demo.
- Building a face recognition app with #Blazor and Azure Cognitive Services - July 20, 2021 - Building a face recognition app with Blazor and Azure Cognitive Services. Source code
- What's new in Blazor in .NET 6 with Daniel Roth -
July 16, 2021 - Blazor in .NET 6 makes client-side web development faster and more productive than ever before. Let's chat about all the new Blazor features in .NET 6: .NET Hot Reload, WebAssembly ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation, error boundaries, integration with .NET MAUI, and much more.
- Visual Studio 2022 Preview 2 - Overview -
July 14, 2021 - This video shows some the new features in Visual Studio 2022 preview 2.
- ASP.NET Community Standup - Building with Blazor: Powered4.tv -
July 13, 2021 - Powered4.tv is a video-on-demand service that leverages Blazor WASM. In this episode of the Blazor community standup, we'll talk with product engineer Steve Pierce about the successes and stories behind using Blazor WASM for Powered4.tv.
- Building dynamic applications with blazor -
July 10, 2021 - Blazor is a revolutionary single-page app framework for building interactive web apps with .NET Core. Underpinning Blazor's ability to create interactive web UIs using C# instead of JavaScript is a robust component model which offers exciting new opportunities for developers to create dynamic web applications. In this session we will demonstrate dynamic application development using an open source modular application framework for Blazor named Oqtane.
- Intro to Blazing Web Accessibility - Empowered with AI -
July 5, 2021 - This video shows how you make an accessible website in Blazor, Microsoft’s brand new front-end technology.
- The .NET Docs Show - Scenario testing Blazor Single-Page Apps -
June 28, 2021 - Cover all the bases and use test scenarios to improve the quality of your test coverage in Blazor applications.
- Let's Learn .NET - Blazor -
June 25, 2021 - Blazor lets you build interactive web UIs using C# instead of JavaScript. Blazor apps are composed of reusable web UI components implemented using C#, HTML, and CSS. Both client and server code is written in C#, allowing you to share code and libraries. Together, we will learn all about Blazor and why you would use it to build web apps, and then we will build our first client web app with Blazor and .NET.
- On .NET Live - Building Reactive UIs with Blazor -
June 24, 2021 - In this live session, Rodney Littles II shows us how to build Blazor applications with the ReactiveUI framework.
- Web Wednesday: Blazor Web Apps using GraphQL and EF Core with Jeremy Likness -
June 23, 2021 - Got data? Got Blazor? The “glue” between the client and server is often the weakest link in building enterprise web apps. What if you could use your domain model as the source of truth, generate a database that supports your design and easily move data between the server and your Blazor WebAssembly app with just a few lines of code? Jeremy will show you how to do this and more with the power of Entity Framework Core enhanced by GraphQL.
- On .NET Live - Building Beautiful Blazor apps with Tailwind CSS -
June 17, 2021 - In this session on On .NET Live, Chris Sainty(@chris_sainty) will be showing us how to style our applications using Tailwind CSS as well as how to integrated the Blazored component libraries.
- BlazorDay 2021, full video -
June 17, 2021 - Blazor Day is the online event around Blazor technologies. #BlazorDay is organized by 3 MVP friends. Their objective is to share their passion for .NET and more particularly Blazor. Joined by the famous Charline to upgrade the event to the next level.
- Introduction to .NET MAUI Blazor | The Xamarin Show -
June 17, 2021 - Blazor enables building client-side web UI with .NET, but sometimes you need more than what the web platform offers. Sometimes you need full access to the native capabilities of the device. You can now host Blazor components in .NET MAUI apps to build cross-platform native apps using web UI. The components run natively in the .NET process and render web UI to an embedded web view control using a local interop channel. This hybrid approach gives you the best of native and the web. Your components can access native functionality through the .NET platform, and they render standard web UI. .NET MAUI Blazor apps can run anywhere .NET MAUI can (Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android) although our primary focus for .NET 6 is on desktop scenarios.
- ASP.NET Community Standup - Build apps for Microsoft Teams with Blazor -
June 15, 2021 - Learn how to build apps for Microsoft Teams using the Teams Toolkit, .NET, and Blazor. Community links.
- On .NET Live - Secrets of building Blazor Components -
June 10, 2021 - This session with Ed Charbeneau is about building components for Blazor.
- Next Generation UI with .NET 6 -
June 9, 2021 - Tired of Angular, Vue, and React? Ready for the next generation of web user interface that runs everywhere and you can build with your favorite programming language? In this session, Jeff Fritz is going to introduce you to Blazor - the next generation UI framework from the .NET team. We'll see how Blazor works with Web Assembly, webservers, and hybrid applications to deliver a great experience for your users. Blazor is the framework that allows you to build once and run it everywhere.
- Planning, designing, and coding a Blazor site from scratch part 1 -
June 8, 2021 - Set up Azure DevOps, Builds, Release, and Blazor project.
- Let's Learn .NET: Blazor -
June 7, 2021 - Blazor lets you build interactive web UIs using C# instead of JavaScript. Blazor apps are composed of reusable web UI components implemented using C#, HTML, and CSS. Both client and server code is written in C#, allowing you to share code and libraries. Together, we will learn all about Blazor and why you would use it to build web apps, and then we will build our first client web app with Blazor and .NET.
- Building Modern Applications with GraphQL and Blazor -
May 14, 2021 - Building Modern Applications with GraphQL and Blazor at the JetBrains .NET Days Online. After having a fundamental understanding of how GraphQL improves our data fetching needs in web applications, we will move on and build a nice real-time application with Blazor and GraphQL. Let’s build a truly engaging next gen application and push Blazor to the limit. Slides. Source code
- Upgrading to .NET 6 -
April 21, 2021 - This video shows you how to upgrade your existing .NET 5 Blazor application to .NET 6 Preview 3. It also shows how to upgrade your tests to use the latest release of bunit version 1.0.19 and demos the new hot reload feature in .NET 6 - which is a huge improvement to the engineering experience. Source code
- ASP.NET Community Standup - ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 6 -
April 20, 2021 - There are a lot of exciting new features for ASP.NET Core developers in .NET 6! Come hear all about it from Daniel Roth, and ask your questions live in the chat. Community links.
- WebAPI vs gRPC in Blazor Train -
April 16, 2021 - Carl Franklin shows you how to use gRPC in your Blazor apps as an alternative to a more common API layer. You can download all files atblazortrain.com.
- ASP.NET Community Standup - Exploring Oqtane with Shaun Walker -
April 13, 2021 - In this edition of the Blazor community standup, we sit down with Shaun Walker to discuss all things Oqtane. Community links.
- Blazor WebAssembly : Cookie Expiration & API Authorization -
April 7, 2021 - This video shows how you can set authentication properties for cookie authentication. You can set it's IsPersistent to keep the cookie alive even after the browser is closed. You can also set it's ExpiredUtc property to set expiry date for your cookies.
- Deploying Blazor WebAssembly to GitHub Pages -
March 30, 2021 - The .NET Docs Show - Deploying Blazor WebAssembly to GitHub Pages. What's better than Blazor? How about Blazor and a free place to host your Blazor app? In this episode, community member Niels Swimberghe shows the panel how to deploy Blazor apps to GitHub Pages.
- Testing Blazor Apps & Components - March 26, 2021 - Blazor Train, episode 43: Testing Blazor Apps & Components.
- Steve Sanderson at the NDC Manchester 2021 - March 25, 2021 - Blazor in 2021: .NET 5, .NET 6 and beyond.
- Blazor WebAssembly : Creating Chat Application Using SignalR -
March 25, 2021 - Blazor WebAssembly : Creating Chat Application Using SignalR.
- Introduction to Dynamic Components in Blazor -
March 22, 2021 - This video shows how you can use one of the most interesting features in Blazor w/ .NET 6.0 preview which is Dynamic Components. Dynamic Components can help you load content from multiple components dynamically in Blazor without too much hassle. Source code
- Building a Blazor WebAssembly chat using SignalR - March 8, 2021 -
Building a Blazor WebAssembly chat using SignalR, by Coding After Work.
- Multiple Panels with Sliding Splitters - March 5, 2021 - Blazor Train, episode 40: Multiple Panels with Sliding Splitters.
- Blazor WebAssembly : JavaScript Isolation -
March 1, 2021 - Blazor WebAssembly : JavaScript Isolation, by Curious Drive. This video is about how you can isolate JavaScript files in Blazor applications. With JavaScript isolation you can load your JavaScript files only when needed. Source code
- .NET Conf 2021 - Focus on Windows: Building .NET Hybrid Apps with Blazor - February 25, 2021 - .NET Conf: Focus on Windows, session "Building .NET Hybrid Apps with Blazor", by Daniel Roth.
- .NET Conf 2021 - Focus on Windows: Real-Time Desktop Apps with Azure SignalR Service - February 25, 2021 - .NET Conf: Focus on Windows, session "Real-Time Desktop Apps with Azure SignalR Service".
- .NET Conf 2021 - Focus on Windows -
February 25, 2021 - .NET Conf: Focus on Windows is a free, one-day livestream event that features speakers from the community and Microsoft teams working on Windows desktop apps and making them fantastic on the latest .NET 5. Learn why and how to upgrade WPF and Windows Forms apps to .NET 5, see Visual Studio tooling improvements, learn how to leverage cloud services from your client apps, and a whole lot more. You'll also see what the future of native device development with .NET will look like in .NET 6. Full schedule: dotnetconf.net.
- Blazor WebAssembly : Virtualize Component -
February 22, 2021 - Blazor WebAssembly : Virtualize Component, by Curious Drive. This video shows how you can use Virtualize component and load thousands of records in efficient way. We will first check how it actually works then we will map to a web API which gets records which are visible to the users.
- Blazor Train: Options for Mobile Apps -
February 19, 2021 - Carl Franklin welcomes back Microsoft’s Dan Roth to discuss options for building mobile apps with Blazor.
- Advanced Blazor experiences with Carl Franklin -
February 10, 2021 - Advanced Blazor experiences with Carl Franklin, by Coding After Work. Carl Franklin will share a bit more advanced scenarios like using SignalR together with Blazor for cross user communication and data synchronization.
- ASP.NET Community Standup - A Blazor Conversation with Chris Sainty -
February 9, 2021 - In this standup, we chat with Blazor aficionado and open source community member Chris Sainty about Blazor, his open source work, and more.
- Blazor Power Hour: FAQ show #1 -
February 3, 2021 - Blazor Power Hour: FAQ show 1, with ed Charbeneau.
- Blazor Train: Ask the Engineer - January 29, 2021 - Carl Franklin answers your questions and solves your Blazor puzzlers.
- .NET Frontend day 2021 - January 28, 2021 -
.NET Frontend Day 2021 sessions.
- Blazor Train: Progressive Web Applications -
January 15, 2021 - Carl Franklin shows you how to create a Blazor PWA and how to configure it for offline access and cached content.
- .NET Community Standup: Meet the Blazor Team -
January 12, 2021 - "Meet the Blazor Team"'s .NET Community Standup. Meet the people behind the code! Join us for a fun livestream with members of the Blazor team.
- Archives - 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017.
- Umbraco 9 & Blazor WebAssembly Starterkit on GitHub - November 24, 2021 - A simple starter site for Umbraco v9, making use of Blazor WebAssembly with Tailwind CSS/UI. A project that I use to play around and experiment with Umbraco 9, Blazor WebAssembly, TailwindCSS, the Block List Editor, and several other concepts. Source code
- Announcing ASP.NET Core in .NET 6 - November 8, 2021 - .NET 6 is now released! ASP.NET Core in .NET 6 includes everything you need to build rich modern web UI and powerful back-end services.
- Full-stack .NET 6 Apps with Blazor WebAssembly and Azure Static Web Apps - November 8, 2021 - .NET 6 is the latest version of .NET and it’s generally available today. The Azure Static Web Apps team is excited to announce that you can now run full-stack .NET 6 apps on Static Web Apps.
- Microsoft Publishes New Documentation for Blazor, ASP.NET Core - November 4, 2021 - Microsoft published new documentation for its .NET 6 web-dev component, ASP.NET Core, including the red-hot Blazor framework.
- Blazor Hybrid Web Apps with .NET MAUI - October 29, 2021 - Blazor Hybrid Web Apps with .NET MAUI.
- As .NET 6 Nears GA, Blazor WebAssembly Can Now Use Native Dependencies - October 15, 2021 - Less than a month before .NET 6 ships, Microsoft announced Blazor WebAssembly apps can now use native dependencies, allowing developers to tap into native C code, for example, upon jumping through a few hoops.
- ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 6 Release Candidate 2 - October 12, 2021 - .NET 6 RC2 is very close to the final build of .NET 6 that we expect to ship in November this year in time for .NET Conf 2021. It’s also a “go live” release, so you’re welcome to use it in production. .NET 6 RC2 primarily contains quality improvements and bug fixes, although it does also include a few new features as well.
- Custom deployment layout for Blazor WebAssembly apps - September 28, 2021 - Custom deployment layout for Blazor WebAssembly apps.
- Blazor updates for .NET 6 using Visual Studio 2022 - September 16, 2021 - Blazor updates for .NET 6 using Visual Studio 2022.
- ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 6 Release Candidate 1 - September 14, 2021 - .NET 6 Release Candidate 1 (RC1) is now available and includes many great new improvements to ASP.NET Core.
- BabylonJS and Blazor - Simple Game State - September 2, 2021 - Build a simple game with BabylonJS and Blazor. Source code
. Demo.
- So Why Doesn't Microsoft Provide Its Own Blazor Component Library? - August 13, 2021 - Did you ever wonder why Microsoft doesn't provide a component library for Blazor, its red-hot ASP.NET Core framework for creating web apps primarily with C# instead of JavaScript?
- Blazor Debugging Improvements in Rider 2021.2 - July 27, 2021 - The EAP versions of Rider 2021.2 have been released with a major improvement for Blazor developers: debugging WebAssembly (WASM) apps. This has been one of the top requested features since Blazor itself was released. In Rider 2021.2, you can now debug both Blazor Server apps and Blazor WASM apps.
- The .NET Stacks #57: Taking a look at Blazor Error Boundaries - July 18, 2021 - Let's take a look at Blazor Error Boundaries and Minimal API improvements.
- What's New for Blazor/ASP.NET Core in .NET 6 Preview 6 - July 15, 2021 - What's New for Blazor/ASP.NET Core in .NET 6 Preview 6.
- Blazor Server apps in MVC subfolders - July 15, 2021 - Were you ever bored and thought to yourself: how could I ruin this perfectly fine evening for me and turn it into a frustrating nightmare? Well, seek no more, I have the best idea for you. Just try to host a Blazor Server app in a sub folder of an existing MVC application, and you're in for some really nerve-wrecking "fun". Admittedly, once you know the solution it's not so hard to understand, but finding a working solution was a rabbit-hole experience for me.
- ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 6 Preview 6 - July 14, 2021 - .NET 6 Preview 6 is now available and includes many great new improvements to ASP.NET Core.
- How to Localize Error Messages for Blazor WebAssembly Forms - July 12, 2021 - Want to localize form validation error messages in a Blazor WebAssembly app? Follow this guide to learn everything you need to know.
- How to use the button onclick event in Blazor WebAssembly - July 9, 2021 - This article from RoundTheCode explains how to implement the button onclick event in a Blazor Wasm application. We will demonstrate how to set up a Blazor onclick call method and bind it to a HTML element.
- Blazor Anchor Tag Scroll To - July 9, 2021 - This article goes over an issue with Blazor applications and scrolling to a hash anchor on the current page.
- Thoughts on Microsoft, and Blazor - July 2, 2021 - Thoughts on Microsoft, and Blazor, by Peter Kuhn aka Mister Goodcat.
- ML.NET Now Works on ARM Devices and Blazor WebAssembly - June 29, 2021 - ML.NET now works on ARM64 and Apple M1 devices, and on Blazor WebAssembly, with some limitations for each.
- Why build Single Page Apps in Blazor - June 16, 2021 - This post addresses some common Blazor questions. Specifically, the "what?", but more importantly the "why?". Why should I care about Blazor when we've already got Angular, React, Vue, or some other JavaScript framework? Why choose Blazor, and what is WebAssembly all about? We'll cover the history of Microsoft's web application development frameworks and what we see for its bright future.
- Modular Blazor App Framework Oqtane Boosts Templates - April 29, 2021 - Modular Blazor App Framework Oqtane Boosts Templates.
- Sands of MAUI: Issue #6 - April 26, 2021 - Sands of MAUI: Issue #6. BlazorWebView for WPF/WinForms.
- Setting Up Sass with Blazor - April 24, 2021 - Setting Up Sass with Blazor, by Ed Charbeneau.
- IntersectionObserver WebApi - April 24, 2021 - This article will go over the IntersectionObserver WebApi and how to use it within the context of a Blazor application. Source code
. Demo.
- Introducing KlipTok - April 20, 2021 - Introducing KlipTok – Social Media fun for Twitch Clips.
- Will .NET 6 fix Blazor Prerendering? - April 19, 2021 - Will .NET 6 fix Blazor Prerendering?
- An Easier Blazor Debounce - April 12, 2021 - Tick-free bouncing. Source code
- .NET 6 Gets Blazor WebView Controls for WPF, WinForms - April 9, 2021 - .NET 6 Gets Blazor WebView Controls for WPF, WinForms.
- ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 6 Preview 3 - April 8, 2021 - .NET 6 Preview 3 is now available and includes many great new improvements to ASP.NET Core.
- Excluding Files from PWA Asset Cache - March 24, 2021 - This article shows how to exclude a files from the Progressive Web Application asset cache.
- AWS Previews Deployment Tool for .NET Web Apps, Blazor WebAssembly - March 19, 2021 - Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced a developer preview to ease the process of deploying .NET web apps on the cloud platform, which has become more complex with the advent of tech like Docker and serverless joining the ever-growing .NET ecosystem.
- Display a Docker Build Version - March 19, 2021 - This article shows one way to show the Build or Application version, passing it down through a Docker build.
- The path to .NET 5 and Blazor WebAssembly with some fun sprinkled in - March 17, 2021 - The path to .NET 5 and Blazor WebAssembly with some fun sprinkled in.
- .NET 5 Blazor Powers 'Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock' Game - March 17, 2021 - .NET 5 Blazor Powers 'Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock' Game. Source code
- .NET 6 Preview 2 Boosts Razor/Blazor in ASP.NET Core - March 12, 2021 - Razor and Blazor received some dev attention in the second preview of Microsoft's .NET 6 landmark release, coming in November to wrap up formerly disparate .NET components into one cross-platform, open source framework for just about any kind of application.
- ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 6 Preview 2 - March 11, 2021 - .NET 6 Preview 2 is now available and includes many great new improvements to ASP.NET Core.
- Securing Blazor Web Assembly using cookies - March 8, 2021 - Securing Blazor Web Assembly using cookies. Source code
- ASP.NET Core docs: What's new for February 1, 2021 - February 28, 2021 - March 3, 2021 - Welcome to what's new in the ASP.NET Core docs from February 1, 2021 through February 28, 2021. This article lists some of the major changes to docs during this period.
- Razor Pages has Components too don't you know - March 2, 2021 - Razor Pages has Components too don't you know.
- Blazor hosting models - mind map - February 26, 2021 - Blazor hosting models - mind map update after .NET 6 preview 1 announcement by Konrad Kokosa on Twitter.
- Blazor Layout Components - February 22, 2021 - Blazor Layout Components, by Ed Charbeneau.
- ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 6 Preview 1 - February 17, 2021 - ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 6 Preview 1.
- Announcing .NET 6 Preview 1 - February 17, 2021 - Announcing .NET 6 Preview 1.
- Blazor on Desktop - February 17, 2021 - Blazor on Desktop. This article explores how to make Blazor web apps run on Desktop.
- Blazor Component Testing - February 16, 2021 - Blazor Component Testing, by Ed Charbeneau.
- Blash: Twitter Dashboard Using Blazor Wasm, Web API, SignalR & Twitter API (Part 1) - February 5, 2021 - Blash: Twitter Dashboard Using Blazor Wasm, Web API, SignalR & Twitter API (Part 1), by Round The Code.
- .NET 6 Desktop Dev Options: WPF, WinForms, UWP, .NET MAUI, Blazor ... - February 3, 2021 - .NET 6 Desktop Dev Options: WPF, WinForms, UWP, .NET MAUI, Blazor ...
- Improvements to the new Razor editor in Visual Studio - January 26, 2021 - Improvements to the new Razor editor in Visual Studio, by Daniel Roth from Microsoft.
- Signed HTTP Exchanges: A path for Blazor WebAssembly instant runtime loading - January 26, 2021 - This article explores Signed HTTP Exchanges, which may help when loading the .NET runtime in Blazor WebAssembly apps.
- Enabling prerendering for Blazor WebAssembly apps - January 19, 2021 - This post describes the steps to enable server-prerendering for a Blazor WebAssembly application. This post serves as an introduction to some more interesting prerendering approaches I'll be looking at in future posts. Source code
- How Blazor performs against other Frameworks - January 18, 2021 - How Blazor performs against other Frameworks, by David Grace for Telerik.
- Blackjack in Blazor Part 1 - Rules and Modeling the Game - January 2021, 18 - Blackjack in Blazor Part 1 - Rules and Modeling the Game, on Exception Not Found.
- Persisting your users preferences using Blazor and Local Storage - January 14, 2021 - Persisting your users preferences using Blazor and Local Storage.
- Microsoft Teams App With Blazor Made Easy Using Blazorade Teams - January 10, 2021 - Microsoft Teams App With Blazor Made Easy Using Blazorade Teams. Source code
- How to Use Query Strings in Blazor WebAssembly - January 7, 2021 - In this article, we are going to learn how to use query strings in Blazor WebAssembly. We are going to show you how to send query strings to the Blazor component and also how to read them inside the component. Source code
- Displaying lists efficiently in Blazor - January 6, 2021 - Blazor's Virtualize component will let you display long lists faster without writing a lot of code. If you want to take full advantage of the component, however, you'll need a relatively smart repository to back it up.
- Introducing Online GZIP de/compressor, built with Blazor WebAssembly - January 1, 2021 - Introducing Online GZIP de/compressor, built with Blazor WebAssembly.
- Archives - 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017.
- The Future of Blazor, with Daniel Roth - December 23, 2021 - NET 6 was huge for Blazor - what's next? Carl and Richard talk to Daniel Roth about how Blazor continues to evolve as a C#-centric way to build web applications. Daniel talks about a bunch of the key features from .NET 6, including smaller runtime, Hot Reload, and rending components from JavaScript. The conversation also digs into the evolution of Blazor Fluent UI and MAUI - which also leads to the futures conversation, taking advantage of multithreading, and other great features you can see in the road map on GitHub. More Blazor is coming. Duration: 60 minutes.
- OpenSilver Ships with Giovanni Albani - December 9, 2021 - OpenSilver reaches V1! Carl and Richard talk to Giovanni Albani about OpenSilver - an open-source, plug-in-free implementation of Silverlight. Giovanni talks about how the client-side of OpenSilver is different from Silverlight, using Web Assembly to eliminate the need for the plug-in. But the developer SDK side is as close to identical as possible. The conversation explores going beyond compatibility with Silverlight 5 from 2011 to more modern capabilities, including the latest versions of .NET and C#. OpenSilver is not just a migration solution - it's a cross-platform development platform that is continuing to grow. Duration: 49 minutes.
- Michael Washington on Blazor in .NET 6 - November 22, 2021 - Hot off the heels of .NET Conf, there is tons to discuss regarding Blazor and .NET 6! Michael shares the key announcement that developers should be looking out for, the announcements he was personally most excited for, and his advice for those looking to just get started with Blazor. He also speaks about some of his recently published books on the topics of Blazor Oqtane and Blazor WebAssembly, speaks about the current state of third-party UI controls and components, and where you can go to take an even deeper dive into everything he discusses today. Duration: 34 minutes.
- .NET 6 and Visual Studio 2022 are here - November 15, 2021 - Conversation about the latest in .NET 6, VS 2022, and all of .NET Conf 2021. Duration: 42 minutes.
- Eilon Lipton on Blazor Desktop - November 8, 2021 - In this episode, Eilon is discussing the ins and outs of Blazor Desktop — which is currently 100% of what he’s been working on. He takes listeners on a deep-dive of Blazor Desktop, sharing what they need to know in anticipation of .NET 6 and the GA drop of Visual Studio 2022 coming out. He also touches on WPF, WinForms, MAUI, and the 2021 DEVintersection Conference. Duration: 50 minutes.
- Real World Blazor With Steve Peirce - November 5, 2021 - .NET Core Show, Episode 86 - Real World Blazor With Steve Peirce. Duration: 62 minutes.
- Daniel Roth on Web Development with .NET 6 - September 13, 2021 - Azure DevOps Podcast, episode 158: Daniel Roth on Web Development with .NET 6. Daniel was last on the podcast over two years ago in episode 47 to discuss Blazor DevOps. In this episode, he and Jeffrey discuss web development with .NET 6.0. He shares the high points of what’s coming next for .NET 6.0, the major differences between .NET 5.0 and 6.0, what to look forward to with regards to Blazor, and his insights on WASM tooling, minimal APIs and hosting, and hot reload within .NET 6.0. Duration: 45 minutes.
- Dean Guida on the Future of .NET Components - August 16, 2021 - Dean Guida shares his insights on the future of .NET components; lessons he has learned having run a software company for over 30 years; his top recommendations when it comes to managing software teams, DevOps toolchains, preparing for the release of .NET 6, server-side vs. Web Assembly, what .NET developers should be doing today for full system testing, and more! He also gives advice to aspiring entrepreneurial software engineers, an overview of Infragistics’ tools, and what to be looking out for as a software developer today. Duration: 34 minutes.
- bUnit, TDD, and Sci-fi with Egil Hansen - July 18, 2021 - In this episode, Jimmy and Jessica talk to Egil Hansen about bUnit, test-driven development, and Sci-fi. Duration: 72 minutes.
- Blazor with Chris Sainty - July 13, 2021 - In this episode, I was thrilled to be joined by Chris Sainty to chat all about Blazor! Blazor is a new .NET technology allowing you to build SPA-like frontend web UIs in C#! Very focused on developer productivity and componentisation - Blazor is certainly going to become my go-to for frontends moving forward! And chatting with Chris in this episode, has shown me even more reasons why Blazor is becoming so immensely popular.
- React, writing a book, and Blazor with Carl Rippon - March 22, 2021 - Coding after work, episode 57: React, writing a book, and Blazor with Carl Rippon. Duration: 35 minutes.
- .NET 6 with Daniel Roth - March 11, 2021 - What's next for .NET? Carl and Richard chat with Dan Roth about all the good things coming this November for .NET. The conversation starts out with some discussion around Blazor, which is no longer an experimental project, but now a key part of .NET. Dan talks about the role of MAUI bringing together UI elements for smartphones, tablets, PCs, and more. There's a lot to look forward to by the end of 2021. Duration: 58 minutes.
- Blazor Keeps Getting Better with Daniel Roth - March 9, 2021 - .NET 059: Blazor Keeps Getting Better with Daniel Roth. Blazor has come a long way since 2018. Blazor WebAssembly was released in 2020 and Blazor was integrated as a full-fledged member of .NET 5. Daniel Roth joins us to discuss the progress and improvements the Blazor team has made over the last year. We also discuss a number of updates coming in 2021 like the new Razor editor. The future of Blazor is bright, indeed. Duration: 61 minutes.
- Blazor in Action with Chris Sainty - January 8, 2021 - Blazor in Action with Chris Sainty in the .NET Core Show, episode 67. Duration: 67 minutes.
- Archives - 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017.
- Using .NET 5 with the Raspberry Pi - January 28, 2021 - Using .NET 5 with the Raspberry Pi, on Slideshare.
- Focus on Blazor - January 2020 - All the materials of the .NET Conf "Focus on Blazor". The videos are on YouTube.
- Blazor, a new framework for browser-based .NET apps - January 29, 2020 - Source code of the session by Steve Sanderson at the NDC London, "Blazor, a new framework for browser-based .NET apps".
- Blazor in more depth - January 28, 2020 - Blazor in more depth by Steve Sanderson and Ryan Nowak at the NDC London 2020. Presentation of Steve Sanderson. Presentation of Ryan Nowak.
- Archives - 2020, 2019, 2018.
- Blazor Dev Server with CSS Live Reloader -
Alternative Blazor Dev Server to be available CSS live reloading.
- LiveSharp -
files and see the updates instantly without reloading the page. Your application state is preserved because there is no need to reload anything. livesharp.net. - BlazorFiddle - Blazor .Net Developer Playground and Code Editor in the Browser.
- Blazor Minimum Project Templates -
A project templates package of Blazor apps without JavaScript and CSS libraries.
- Blazor REPL -
Write, compile, execute and share Blazor components entirely in the browser - https://blazorrepl.com.
- Blazor Snippets Visual Studio Code extension - A Visual Studio Code extension that offers Blazor and Razor snippets.
- BlazorSourceMangler -
A console app to mangle Blazor DLLs. Check this YouTube video for more details. You can also check this Blazor TODO app to see result of this app (downloaded blazortodos.dll is mangled and decompilation shows uglyfied code).
- Publish-time Pre-render for Blazor Wasm -
When you publish your Blazor WebAssembly app, this package pre-renders and saves the app as static HTML files in your public folder.
- Publish SPA for GitHub Pages -
Add this NuGet package to your Blazor WebAssembly project to easily publish it to GitHub Pages.
- WebCompiler -
A dotnet global tool for compilation, minification, and compression of scss, css and js.
- .NET Core - .NET Core.
- Razor+ Visual Studio Code extension - A Visual Studio Code extension that offers improved Razor support.
- Tracetool -
Tracetool viewer, client Api for Dotnet, Java, Javasvript, C++ , Python, Delphi.
- Visual Studio - Latest preview of Visual Studio.
- Visual Studio Code - Visual Studio Code, free, open source and cross-platform code editor.
- Blazor WebAssembly by Example - Blazor WebAssembly by Example: A project-based guide to building web apps with .NET, Blazor WebAssembly, and C# (1st edition published the July 9th, 2021).
- Blazor in Action - An example-driven guide to building reusable UI components and web frontends—all with Blazor, C#, and .NET. (Manning Early Access Program began October 2020).
- Microsoft Blazor: Building Web Applications in .NET - Microsoft Blazor: Building Web Applications in .NET (Second edition published in May 2020).
- Blazor Revealed - Blazor Revealed, Building Web Applications in .NET (Published February, 2019).
- Blazor Quick Start Guide: Build web applications using Blazor, EF Core, and SQL Server - Blazor Quick Start Guide: Build web applications using Blazor, EF Core, and SQL Server (Published October 31, 2018).
- Blazor WebAssembly Succinctly - August 31, 2020 - Blazor is a framework for creating SPA webpages with either client-side or server-side architectures, using Razor technology written with the C# language. Because client-side Blazor with WebAssembly executes entirely on a user's browser, it’s very fast for many applications. In Blazor WebAssembly Succinctly, Michael Washington will take readers through the core elements of Blazor and then explore additional features by building a sample application. Free e-book.
- Blazor Succinctly - April 16, 2020 - A free e-book for starting with the Blazor framework.
- Blazor, A Beginners Guide - March 18, 2020 - A free e-book for getting started with the Blazor framework. Examples source code.
- Blazor for ASP.NET Web Forms developers - Blazor for ASP.NET Web Forms developers, a free e-book from Microsoft.
- Using CSLA 5: Blazor and WebAssembly - This book covers the new Blazor UI framework, including how to create server-side and client-side WebAssembly projects, how to implement authentication and authorization, and how to use data binding. It then covers how CSLA .NET supports Blazor, including walking through a complete sample app.
- An Introduction to Building Applications with Blazor - August 24, 2019 - An Introduction to Building Applications with Blazor: How to get started creating applications using this exciting easy to use Microsoft C# framework
- Archives - 2018.
- Build a web app with Blazor WebAssembly and Visual Studio Code - Build a web app with Blazor WebAssembly and Visual Studio Code, on Microsoft Learn.
- DevOps and Docker Support for .NET Core Blazor Applications - June 2020 - DevOps and Docker Support for .NET Core Blazor Applications, on Udemy. This Docker Support Course with DevOps concepts using ASP.NET Core Blazor will teach you Dockerisation of Blazor Apps.
- Programming in Blazor - ASP.NET Core 3.1 - Create interactive web applications with C#, on Udemy.
- Creating Blazor Components - December, 2019 - Building a Blazor app is building components. This course is essential for gaining a good understanding of components. On Pluralsight.
- Authentication and Authorization in Blazor Applications - December, 2019 - Learn how to secure your Blazor application using a variety of best practice techniques for authentication and authorization. On Pluralsight.
- Blazor: Getting Started - December, 2019 - Learn how to build your first application in a hands-on way using Blazor, Microsoft's solution to use C# to write interactive web UIs without JavaScript. On Pluralsight.
- Blazor In-Depth Workshop (Blaze Invaders) - December 2019 - Blazor In-Depth Workshop (Blaze Invaders), on C# Academy. Learn serious Blazor concepts while building a working browser based game.
- Blazor and Razor Components in a nutshell - October 2019 - Learn how to use a framework that allows you to run your compiled code directly in the browser on top of WebAssembly, a course on Udemy.
- Blazor on ASP.NET Core 3.0 - October 2019 - Blazor on ASP.NET Core 3.0, a course on SkillShare.
- Blazor First Look on LinkedIn Learning - Blazor First Look on LinkedIn Learning. Source code
- Free Blazor Training Course - DevExpress Blazor free training course Source code
- Getting Started with Blazor - June 2021 - Discover the Core Concepts of Blazor and learn to create web applications with ease.
- Awesome Blazor on Twitter - This repository's Twitter feed.
- Gitter - Blazor discussion on Gitter.
- Learn Blazor - Community documentation on Blazor.
- Blazor Help Website - Blogs and code samples primarily covering server-side Blazor.
- Practical samples of Blazor - Practical samples of Blazor.
- Practical samples of Blazor Server-Side - Practical samples of Blazor Server-Side.
- Stack Overflow - Blazor questions feed on Stack Overflow.
- Twitter - Hashtag on Twitter.
- WebAssemblyMan - Man page for Blazor and WebAssembly.
- Blaze of Code - [Portuguese] Blog about Blazor.
- Blazor.ru - [Russian] Old official documentation website translated in Russian.
- DevApps.be's podcast #44 - [French] DevApps.be's podcast #44: "Blazor et WebAssembly vont-ils tuer JavaScript ?".
- DevApps.be's podcast #47 - [French] DevApps.be's podcast #47: "Actualités : TypeScript, Uno, Angular, DocFX, Database".
- Modern web apps with Blazor - [Italian] Video about Blazor.
- Playlist - Programando en Blazor - [Spanish] Series of videos about Blazor.
- Insights from the oracle - [German] Blog about Blazor.
- ASP.NET Core Blazor 5.0: Blazor WebAssembly und Blazor Server: Moderne Single-Page-Web-Applications mit .NET, C# und Visual Studio - German book on Blazor (Published September 15, 2020 with montly Updates).
To the extent possible under law, Adrien Torris has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.