This repository is intended to store, share and manage documentation and information relative to the ISO & GeoDCAT-AP metadata Implementation Pilot, carried out by the INSPIRE community.
The GeoDCAT-AP pilot is one of the activities aimed at modernising the implementation of European environmental geospatial data sharing under the GreenDataForAll initiative (revision of the INSPIRE Directive), aligning it to the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/138 on Open Data High-Value Datasets.
Its main purpose is facilitating the integration of INSPIRE metadata, and the corresponding reporting obligations, into a common Open Data flow, centralising the INSPIRE and High-Value Datasets reporting in the European Data Portal (DEU). In particular, the pilot is intended to test and evaluate the adequacy of the transformation of geospatial (ISO 19139-based) metadata into a DCAT-based metadata using the GeoDCAT-AP 3.0.0 specification and its related XSLT transformation.
The pilot is carried out as part of the activities of the INSPIRE Maintenance and Implementation Work Programme (MIWP) 2021-2024.
For more infomation about the pilot, its purpose, objectives and outputs/results and expected benefits, please read the Pilot Concept Note.
- Member States: Belgium (BE-Flanders), Czech Republic (CZ), Denmark (DK), Italy (IT), Finland (FI), France (FR), the Netherlands (NL), Spain (ES), Slovakia (SK).
- European Commission: Publications Office of the European union (OP), Directorate-General for Digital Services SEMIC Group (DIGIT-SEMIC), Directorate-General Joint research Centre (JRC).
Kick-off Meeting (2 October 2024)
Second Meeting (20 November 2024)
Third Meeting (23 January 2025)
Check the current good practices identified in the scope of the pilot here.
- on the GeoDCAT-AP 3 specification: to be reported at
- on the related XSLT transformation: to be reported at
- on the management of the pilot, including specific proposals related to the pilot structure, methodology, outputs, results: to be reported at