24 June 2020
Bikeshare Project
Over the past decade, bicycle-sharing systems have been growing in number and popularity in cities across the world. Bicycle-sharing systems allow users to rent bicycles on a very short-term basis for a price. This allows people to borrow a bike from point A and return it at point B, though they can also return it to the same location if they'd like to just go for a ride. Regardless, each bike can serve several users per day.
Thanks to the rise in information technologies, it is easy for a user of the system to access a dock within the system to unlock or return bicycles. These technologies also provide a wealth of data that can be used to explore how these bike-sharing systems are used.
The main logic of the project is in the file named bikeshare_2.py 3 csv files for Chicago,New York & Washington which includes data for each state
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