f90tools is a wrapper for the BLUPF90 family programs of python3.
The toolkit is designed for ease of use and automating the process, of designing pipelines. Tools including the following capabilities:
- Interface to remlf90, airemlf90, blupf90 and blupf90+, renumf90 - the main utilities for tribal value estimation calculations and other tasks.
- Interface for compiling and generating configuration files.
- Modules for processing of configuration files, for processing of output files and results, which are generated by f90 programs.
Official information, documentation for BLUPF90 can be found at this link. There is also a link for download.
├─── src/ # Source files
├─── tests/ # Tests
├─── docs/ # Documentation
├─── README.md # README file
├─── requirements.txt # Dependency file
└─── pyproject.toml # build file
- Create a virtual environment:
python -m venv f90tools_env
source f90tools_env/bin/activate # for Linux/macOS
f90tools_env\Scripts\activate # for Windows
- Clone project:
git clone https://github.com/IgorekLoschinin/f90tools.git
cd f90tools
- Building the project:
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install build
python3 -m build
- Install the package in the project environment:
pip install .
- Deleting a repository from a project:
rm ./f90tools
f90tools provides commands for a variety of operations. Here are examples of usage:
from f90tools import Renumf90
renum = Renumf90(
app="renumf90", # for Win renumf90.exe
Detailed documentation on how to use f90tools is available see the docs.
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License - see the LICENSE file for details.