Need to take emotion out of your trading patterns? rest easy, dipSpot will help you.
Developed from scratch, for personal usage - fork at will, if usefull to you - My private key logger is ready to go!
Please fix keys.js filename to be 'keys.js' and input your API keys.
Short term goals:
- Basic dip anticipator and estimator
- Directly reading dips on one platform and acting on them elsewhere.
Long Term Goals:
- Indicator UI, auto trading on indicators.
- Muuuuuuwn Rich.
Express generator frame, socket injected.
Bitmex and Bitfinex exchanges added to begin with, more to be.
Curerently just logging data, but will get a shiney front end.
- Needs a multi exchange interface so normalise results, ease data cleansing and usage
- Front End.
- Dip detection.
- Sentiment and inertia metrics.