WARNING: I stop developing and supporting this repo for a while now. I don't know if I will continue to work on this any time soon.
Shyvana is completely free tool for non-profit purposes. Shyvana is a simple way to access League of Legends API.
Download the latest JAR file -> https://github.com/shyos/Shyvana/releases
If you are using eclipse,
- Create lib file under your project directory.
- Copy JAR to lib file.
- From eclipse right click your jar file. Select Build Path -> Add to Build Path
LeagueApi api = new LeagueApi("YOUR_API_KEY_HERE");
String[] names = new String[]{"Dyrus"};
int id = 5908;
String[] ids = new String[]{"5908"};
String[] teamIds = new String[]{"TEAM-1c3a53f0-fbd4-11e3-9c89-782bcb4d1861"};
Region region = Region.NA;
Season season = Season.SEASON_4;
LeagueType leagueType = LeagueType.T5;
int summonerSpellId = 1;
Map<String, Summoner> a = api.getSummonerByName(names, region);
RecentGames b = api.getGame(id, region);
Map<String, List<League>> c1 = api.getLeagueBySummonerId(ids, region);
Map<String, List<League>> c2 = api.getLeagueEntryBySummonerId(ids, region);
Map<String, List<League>> c3 = api.getLeagueByTeamId(teamIds, region);
Map<String, List<League>> c4 = api.getLeagueEntryByTeamId(teamIds, region);
League c5 = api.getLeagueChallengers(region, leagueType);
Map<String, MasteryPages> d = api.getMasteries(ids, region);
Map<String, RunePages> e = api.getRunes(ids, region);
RankedStats f = api.getStatsRanked(id, region, season);
PlayerStatsSummaryList h = api.getStatsSummary(id, region, season);
Map<String, Summoner> g = api.getSummonerById(ids, region);
Map<String, Summoner> i = api.getSummonerByName(names, region);
Map<String, List<Team>> j1 = api.getTeamBySummonerId(ids, region);
Map<String, Team> j2 = api.getTeamByTeamId(teamIds, region);
Champion k = api.getStaticChampion(1, region);
ChampionList l = api.getStaticChampionList(region);
Item m = api.getStaticItem(3169, region);
ItemList n = api.getStaticItemList(region);
Mastery o = api.getStaticMastery(4353, region);
MasteryList p = api.getStaticMasteryList(region);
Realm q = api.getStaticRealm(region);
Rune r = api.getStaticRune(5235, region);
RuneList s = api.getStaticRuneList(region);
SummonerSpell t = api.getStaticSummonerSpell(summonerSpellId, region);
SummonerSpellList u = api.getStaticSummonerSpellList(region);
Query Type | Version |
Game | 1.3 |
League | 2.4 |
Stats | 1.2 |
Summoner | 1.4 |
Team | 2.3 |
Static-Data | 1.2 |
###Future Plans
Highest Priority:
- Currently nothing
Normal Priortity:
- Maybe I will implement Champion data (since its in static data, it can wait)
- Some additional features of query types can be added.
Least Priority:
- Multiple api_key management
- Better exception handling