Project aims to create find the number game (between 0 to 100).
- Your company has recently started on a project that aims to create a find the number game. So you and your colleagues have started to work on the project.
- Each time the application is opened, it will keep a random number between 1-100 in the background.
- The user makes a guess.
- The number is compared and guided up/down until the user guess the correct number.
- For example:
- Let your number be 65 and user guessed '20' the first time.
- Prompt the user to "Enter a number between 20 and 100".
- If the user guessed 80 on the second guess, this time you should prompt "Enter a number between 20 (the lowest guess closest to your number) to 80 (the closest big guess to your number)".
| # Given to the students (Definition of the project)
Build a Find the Number Game (Between 0 to 100)
improve coding skills within HTML & CSS & JS
use git commands (push, pull, commit, add etc.) and Github as Version Control System.
Step 1: Download or clone project repo on Github
Step 2: Create project folder for local public repo on your pc
Step 3: Create JS code for Find the Number Game
Part-1 HTML Structure
- Creat structure of the HTML5
- Give name of your project (title)
- Create the main structure of the HTML
Part-2 CSS Structure
- Set a background image or define background-color
- Set container background color and margin
- Define others color-size-padding etc...
Part-3 JS Structure
- Create code for find the number between 0 to 100
Step 4: Push your application into your own public repo on Github
Step 5: Deploy your application on Github template to showcase your app within your team.
⌛ Happy Coding ✍