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Parametric arduino version test #16

Parametric arduino version test

Parametric arduino version test #16

Workflow file for this run

name: Arduino CI
# on which event should we start push, pull request or schedule dispatches
- push
- pull_request
# This template runes multiple workflows
# This action sets common variables for the flow and
# identifies the examples to compile
# we run this on self hosted runner, use labels to be more specific
# add specific names if there are some, otherwise self-hosted, X64, Linux are the default ones
- self-hosted
- X64
- Linux
# checkout the latest github action code
- name: Checkout actions
uses: actions/checkout@v4
# checkout the latest arduino-cli compiler
- name: Setup Arduino CLI
uses: arduino/setup-arduino-cli@master
# Update the arduino code. Attention this does not setup XMC packages as this are set inside the self hosted runner
# the arduino board support packages can be updated automatically
# the XMC board support package is only linked inside the self hosted runner, which allows
# to use none official and beta versions
# arduino-cli core install "infineon:xmc"
- name: Install/Update Arduino Platform
run: |
arduino-cli core update-index
arduino-cli core install "arduino:avr"
# Fetch variables and move them to the GITHUB_OUTPUT and fetch HIL information
- id: startup
run: |
# set the project name
export $(xfp-dev arduino workspace-setup project-name)
# set the examples
declare -a data
cd $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/src/framework/arduino/
for x in examples/*;
export examples=$(jq --compact-output --null-input '$ARGS.positional' --args -- "${data[@]}")
echo examples="$examples" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# set the serials
cd /opt/runner_support/
serials=$(echo $(./ --repo ${REPO} --list serial --json) | jq ".\"${REPO}\"" --compact-output )
echo "serials=${serials}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# set the xfp
xfp=$(./ --readyaml $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/.github/fqbn.yml --json)
echo "xfp=${xfp}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# switch on the HIL
./ --switch repo --namelist $REPO --onoff on
# Connect the GITHUB_OUTPUT to the variables and the workflow output mechanism
project: ${{ steps.startup.outputs.project }}
serials: ${{ steps.startup.outputs.serials }}
examples: ${{ steps.startup.outputs.examples }}
xfp: ${{ steps.startup.outputs.xfp }}
# The build job compiles the sample code for different boards
# wait on first setup run before starting main function
needs: setup
# we run this on self hosted runner, use labels to be more specific
# add specific names if there are some, otherwise self-hosted, X64, Linux are the default ones
- self-hosted
- X64
- Linux
# which combination of sample code and boards should run
# for this example of 2 sample codes and 3 boards a total of 2x3=6 runners have to work.
# if we have only 4 runner then these 4 are started and the last 2 are waiting until they can start
# List of all examples in the lib to compile
example: ${{ fromJson(needs.setup.outputs.examples) }}
# These are the steps which should run for each combination of fqbn and example code
# checkout the latest github action code
- name: Checkout actions
uses: actions/checkout@v4
# checkout the latest arduino-cli compiler
- name: Setup Arduino CLI
uses: arduino/setup-arduino-cli@master
# prepare the runner for the repo data
# setup links inside the self hosted runner for correct directory setup
# REPO is the base name of the library which is linked to the right directory structure
# check wether the .arduino15 packages dir is available
- name: Generate Arduino Library
run: |
version=$(echo ${{ toJson(needs.setup.outputs.xfp) }} | jq ".\"hil\".\"version\"" -r --compact-output )
echo "version=$version"
rm -rf ~/.arduino15/packages/Infineon/hardware/xmc/*
ln -s /opt/XMC-for-Arduino/hardware/xmc/${version}/ ~/.arduino15/packages/Infineon/hardware/xmc/${version}
mkdir -p "$HOME/Arduino/libraries"
xfp-dev arduino workspace-setup --path $HOME/Arduino/libraries
# Compile the sample code for the selected board and board support package with the arduino compiler
- name: Compile
run: |
echo $HOME
export TMPDIR=$HOME/tmp
mkdir -p $TMPDIR
cd $HOME/Arduino/libraries/${{ needs.setup.outputs.project }}
xfp=${{ toJson(needs.setup.outputs.xfp) }}
export fqbn=$(echo ${xfp} | jq ".\"ard\".\"fqbn\"" -r --compact-output )
arduino-cli compile \
${fqbn} \
--libraries="." \
--libraries="$HOME/Arduino/libraries/." \
--verbose \
${{ matrix.example }}
# The build job compiles the sample code for different boards
# wait on first setup run before starting main function
needs: setup
# we run this on self hosted runner, use labels to be more specific
# add specific names if there are some, otherwise self-hosted, X64, Linux are the default ones
- self-hosted
- X64
- Linux
# which combination of sample code and boards should run
# for this example of 2 sample codes and 3 boards a total of 2x3=6 runners have to work.
# if we have only 4 runner then these 4 are started and the last 2 are waiting until they can start
# List of all examples in the lib to compile
example: ${{ fromJson(needs.setup.outputs.examples) }}
# checkout the latest github action code
- name: Checkout actions
uses: actions/checkout@v4
# checkout the latest arduino-cli compiler
- name: Setup Arduino CLI
uses: arduino/setup-arduino-cli@master
# prepare the runner for the repo data
# setup links inside the self hosted runner for correct directory setup
# REPO is the base name of the library which is linked to the right directory structure
# check wether the .arduino15 packages dir is available
# export REPO=${{ needs.setup.outputs.repo }}
- name: Set and check environment, install repos
run: |
mkdir -p "$HOME/Arduino/libraries"
xfp-dev arduino workspace-setup --path $HOME/Arduino/libraries
- name: Install PlatformIO
run: |
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade platformio
platformio platform install -f infineonxmc
platformio platform install -f atmelavr
# PlatformIO uses python for compiling and it does multiple board compiles
# at once. PlatformIO is used here to check compatibility, but is not needed for the the flash step
- name: Run PlatformIO
run: |
cd $HOME/Arduino/libraries/${{ needs.setup.outputs.project }}
xfp=${{ toJson(needs.setup.outputs.xfp) }}
export boards=$(echo ${xfp} | jq ".\"pio\".\"boards\"" -r --compact-output )
export options=$(echo ${xfp} | jq ".\"pio\".\"options\"" -r --compact-output )
pio \
ci \
--lib="." \
${boards} \
PLATFORMIO_CI_SRC: ${{ matrix.example }}
# This step allows HIL (Hardware in the loop), therefore
# is searches for the given board/sensor combination and tries to find the actual port
# on the self hosted runner. (see documentation for the board2port finder)
# We need a successful build before we can run the deploy
needs: [setup, build-ard]
# we run this on self hosted runner, use labels to be more specific
# add specific names if there are some, otherwise self-hosted, X64, Linux are the default ones
- self-hosted
- X64
- Linux
# do not stop if a single job fails
continue-on-error: true
# the code to flash
# the serials of the hardware boards
serials: ${{ fromJson(needs.setup.outputs.serials) }}
# These are the steps which should run for each combination of fqbn and example code
- name: Environment
run: |
cd /opt/runner_support/
PROJECT=${{ needs.setup.outputs.project }}
SERIALID=${{ matrix.serials }}
xfp=${{ toJson(needs.setup.outputs.xfp) }}
PORT=$( echo $(./ --serial ${SERIALID} --list comport --json) | jq ".\"${SERIALID}\"" -r)
TYPE=$( echo $(./ --serial ${SERIALID} --list type --json) | jq ".\"${SERIALID}\"|.[0]" -r)
DEVTYPE=$( echo $(./ --serial ${SERIALID} --list devtype --json) | jq ".\"${SERIALID}\"|.[0]" -r)
DEVICE=$( echo $(./ --serial ${SERIALID} --list device --json) | jq ".\"${SERIALID}\"|.[0]" -r)
FQBN=`tr '.' ':' <<<"${DEVICE}"`
echo "repo=$REPO" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "project=$PROJECT" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "serials=$SERIALID" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "port=$PORT" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "type=$TYPE" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "devtype=$DEVTYPE" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "fqbn=$FQBN" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "device=$DEVICE" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "example="$(echo ${xfp} | jq ".\"hil\".\"example\"" -r --compact-output ) >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "baud="$(echo ${xfp} | jq ".\"hil\".\"baud\"" -r --compact-output ) >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "timeout="$(echo ${xfp} | jq ".\"hil\".\"timeout\"" -r --compact-output ) >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "version="$(echo ${xfp} | jq ".\"hil\".\"version\"" -r --compact-output ) >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "Repository name: " $REPO
echo "Project name: " $PROJECT
echo "Device Serial ID: " $SERIALID
echo "Port found: " $PORT
echo "Type: " $TYPE
echo "Device Type: " $DEVTYPE
echo "FQBN: " $FQBN
echo "Device: " $DEVICE
echo "Example: " $(echo ${xfp} | jq ".\"hil\".\"example\"" -r --compact-output )
echo "Baud example: " $(echo ${xfp} | jq ".\"hil\".\"baud\"" -r --compact-output )
echo "Timeout example: " $(echo ${xfp} | jq ".\"hil\".\"timeout\"" -r --compact-output )
echo "Version: " $(echo ${xfp} | jq ".\"hil\".\"version\"" -r --compact-output )
# Compile the code which we want to flash
# REPO: the name of the repository which is also the link name
# check/set the arduino15 package library
# link the repo to the correct place for compiling under arduino-cli
# compile the code with the arduino-cli and export the binary files for flashing
- name: Compile Sketch
run: |
export TMPDIR=$HOME/tmp
mkdir -p $TMPDIR
rm -rf ~/.arduino15/packages/Infineon/hardware/xmc/*
ln -s /opt/XMC-for-Arduino/hardware/xmc/${{ env.version }}/ ~/.arduino15/packages/Infineon/hardware/xmc/${{ env.version }}
mkdir -p "$HOME/Arduino/libraries"
cd $HOME/Arduino/libraries/${{ env.project }}
arduino-cli compile --clean --log --warnings all \
--fqbn ${{ env.fqbn }} \
--libraries="." \
--libraries="$HOME/Arduino/libraries/." \
--export-binaries \
${{ env.example }}
# Flashes the compiled HEX file onto the selected MCU
# REPO: the name of the repository which is also the link name
# HEXNAME: the board depended name of the HEX files
# SERIALID: the unique serial number of the hardware board according the board2port.yaml
# DEVICE: the flashing device according the board2port.yaml
# PORT: real PORT name of the attached hardware based on the SERIALID
# use the python based XMC flasher
- name: Flash
run: |
cd $HOME
python $HOME/.arduino15/packages/Infineon/hardware/${{ env.version }}/tools/ \
upload \
-d ${{ env.devtype }} \
-p ${{ env.port }} \
-f $HOME/Arduino/libraries/${{ env.project }}/${{ env.example }}/build/${{ env.device }}/*.hex
# Monitoring the serial output from the attached and flashed hardware and collecting
# ERROR, Warning and statistical data for reporting
- name: Monitor
run: |
if [ "${{ env.port }}" != 'null' ]; then
echo "need to monitor"
timeout 1m /opt/runner_support/ \
--port ${{ env.port }} \
--baud ${{ env.baud }} \
--runtime ${{ env.timeout }} \
--report ~/Arduino/libraries/${{ env.project }}/${{ env.example }}/build/${{ env.device }}/report.json
echo "No port found"
# Upload the compiled HEX files to the GitHub server
- name: Artefact
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: ${{ env.type }}_${{ env.serials }}
path: ~/Arduino/libraries/${{ env.project }}/${{ env.example }}/build/${{ env.device }}/*
if-no-files-found: ignore
# Switch off the HIL after all tests are done
# we run this no matter if before fails
if: always()
# wait on first setup run before starting main function
needs: [setup, flash]
# we run this on self hosted runner, use labels to be more specific
# add specific names if there are some, otherwise self-hosted, X64, Linux are the default ones
- self-hosted
- X64
- Linux
- name: Switch off HIL
run: |
cd /opt/runner_support/
./ --switch repo --namelist $REPO --onoff off