Project-Inglenook is a collection of processes designed to work together with the key goal to automate and integrate a multitude devices within a facility such as a home, office, hotel etc...
Project-Inglenook will provide:
- Module host process, to setup and communicate with each device's own module process
- Trigger management process, allowing devices events to trigger each other to create the ultimate network
- Multiple front-ends with web and mobile app interfaces (And with the vision to provide a 'Wall Embedded Touch Interfaces' too!), all exposed using a defined SOA so you can build-your-own!
- Security baked in, with multiple authentication methods and authorisation policies
- Full process logging, with tools to quick find what you are looking for
- System monitoring with automatic alerts if things are going wrong
- Software update process which can automatically patch the system depending on your preference
Please visit the wiki pages to see our current development progress... (Currently being migrated)
First, checkout the git repository:
git clone git://
cd Project-Inglenook
By default, you can just build the project using your default C++ compiler:
cd build/debug (change to build/release for a release build)
To specify a compiler, use the CC and CXX flags (eg: for clang/clang++)
export CC=/usr/bin/clang
export CXX=/usr/bin/clang++
cd build/debug (change to build/release for a release build)
To run the unit/integration tests:
make test
To perform an install:
sudo make install
To generate a RPM software package:
cpack -G RPM CPackConfig.cmake