💻 Hands-on tutorial organized during the 5th Symposium on cutting-edge methods for EEG research, October 4 – 7, 2021
🕣 Wednesday, October 6, 8:30am – 11:30am (CEST)
👥 Organizers:
- Arthur Desbois, Research Engineer, Aramis team-project, Inria Paris, Paris Brain Institute
- Marie-Constance Corsi, Postdoctoral Researcher, Aramis team-project, Inria Paris, Paris Brain Institute
- Windows/Linux users curious about BCI !
- Participants must install OpenViBE from this page before the workshop. Please install from the "stable version" links (v 3.1.0).
- Linux users need to follow the build instructions
- Getting familiar with the main concepts of BCI
- Knowing the main features proposed by OpenViBE
- Being able to run a (virtual) BCI experiment with OpenViBE
- Manipulating the fundamental blocks of OpenViBE
- Getting a hint of the main challenges in BCI research
- What is BCI? Context, paradigms and applications
- What is OpenViBE?
- Concrete examples of use of OpenViBE
- How does OpenViBE work?
- Q&A-1
We will perform a simulation of motor imagery-based BCI experiment with a virtual subject. To this end, we will use OpenViBE to extract, preprocess and classify the EEG data.
- Intro - Prerequisites before performing a MI-BCI experiment
- Neurophysiological mechanisms
- Motor imagery-based BCI in practice
- Workshop - BCI-CuttingEEG protocol set-up
- Part 1 - Training data acquisition
- Part 2 - Classifier training scenario
- Part 3 - Online feedback
- Q&A-2
- BONUS - OpenViBE
- Developing & prototyping OpenViBE boxes
- Forum, scripts & community
- Scenario tutorials
- External scripting & interfacing using Python
- BONUS - BCI research
- Current challenges
- Machine & User-centered approaches
OpenViBE - official website & citation
- download
- tutorials
- technical documentation
- forum
Python toolboxes
- Open datasets and pipelines to perform replicable BCI studies: Mother of All BCI Benchmarks (MOABB)
- M/EEG data analysis: MNE-Python
- Machine Learning tool: scikit-learn
- LSL using Python - pyLsl
- [Wolpaw et al, Clin Neurophysiol, 2002] -> to start in the BCI domain
- [Pfurtscheller et al, Clin Neurophysiol, 1999] -> to learn more about event-related EEG/MEG (de)synchronization
- [Lotte et al, JNE, 2018] -> to learn more about classification algorithms used in EEG-based BCI
- [Clerc et al, Wiley, 2016a] -> Methods and Perspectives
- [Clerc et al, Wiley, 2016b] -> Technology and Applications
Previous OpenViBE workshops materials:
- 6th International Brain-Computer Interface Conference
- 2016 International BCI meeting
- IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2018)
To learn more about BCI research & events: