This collection of repositories is owned by Joseph Melberg for the purpose of ongoing practice in software architecting and development.
graph TD;
Inter.Metronome --> | Each second | Inter.PlaneWrangler;
Inter.Metronome --> | Each minute | Inter.PlaneIndexer;
Inter.PlaneWrangler--> |Position Data| Inter.Proxy;
Inter.PlaneIndexer --> |History Data| Inter.Proxy;
Inter.PlaneWrangler==> |Position Data| Inter.PlaneIndexer;
More information on each service is available in their respective repository, linked below.
Service Name | Description |
Inter.Metronome | A service for triggering other services. |
Inter.PlaneWrangler | A service for combining incoming data and providing current position data for consumption. |
Inter.PlaneIndexer | A service providing past position data for consumption. |
Inter.Proxy | A service that provides external access to the web api's of the other services. |
graph TD;
Process ==> | Duration | Inter.MetricMonitor;
Service Name | Description |
Inter.MetricMonitor | More of a behind-the-scenes thing, allows us to monitor how long a given message takes to process. |
graph TD;
Data ==> Device.Gate;
Device.Gate ==> Inter.DeviceLifeMonitor;
Device.Gate ==> | Device registration | Inter.Device;
Inter.DeviceLifeMonitor ==> | Update life state | Inter.Device;
Service Name | Description |
Device.Gate | The entry point for data for nodes. |
Inter.DeviceLifeMonitor | A service for monitoring the liveness of nodes. |
Inter.Device | The center of the device domain. |