WatchDog.Echo is a light-weight monitoring and observability tool that helps to validate interoperability between services by notifying developers or project owners when a particular service B is not reachable from a service A, or a list of services are not reachable from a service. It leverages both/either gRPC and REST protocols to send echos between these services and sends alert/notification via Email or to Slack, Microsoft Teams and Discord channels on the event that a particular service is not reachable, enabling developers/projects owners detect service downtime promptly. This package currently targets .Net Core 3.1 and .Net 6.
- Check interoperability between services
- Webhook Notification (Slack, Discord, Microsoft Teams etc)
- Email Notification
- Customizable Echo and alert intervals
- Protocol Options (REST or gRPC)
- .NET Core 3.1 and newer
Install via .NET CLI
dotnet add package WatchDog.Echo --version 1.0.0
Install via Package Manager
Install-Package WatchDog.Echo --version 1.0.0
To enable WatchDog.Echo communicate with other services,
Add WatchDog.Echo Namespace in Startup.cs
or Program.cs
using WatchDog.Echo;
URL of the current service
builder.Services.AddWatchDogEchoServices(opt =>
opt.ClientHost = "https://localhost:7068";
Communication Protocol for the service
builder.Services.AddWatchDogEchoServices(opt =>
opt.Protocol = ProtocolEnum.REST;
Default = gRPC
NOTE: .NET 3.x service hosted on IIS should utilize REST as gRPC is not supported on IIS for .NET 3.x
Time interval between each echo measured in minutes e.g. If set to 5, it sends an echo to all the services listed in the EchoTargetURLs
every 5 mins
builder.Services.AddWatchDogEchoServices(opt =>
opt.EchoIntervalInMinutes = 3;
Default = 5 minutes
Time interval between each failed echo alert measured in minutes e.g. If set to 60, when an attempt to echo Service A fails, it sends an alert immediately and then if service A is still down after 60 minutes, it sends another alert. It continues sending an alert every 60 minutes until Service A is back up.
builder.Services.AddWatchDogEchoServices(opt =>
opt.FailedEchoAlertIntervalInMinutes = 60;
Default = 45 minutes
Comma separated list of service URLs to be "Echoed" by the current service
builder.Services.AddWatchDogEchoServices(opt =>
opt.EchoTargetURLs = "https://localhost:44362,";
NOTE: Package must be Installed on both caller host and target host You don't necessarily need to configure explicit settings on the target host
Comma separated list of Webhook URLs for channels where echo alerts will be sent e.g. Slack, Microsoft Teams, Discord etc.
builder.Services.AddWatchDogEchoServices(opt =>
opt.WebhookURLs = ",{id}/{token}";
NOTE: Follow this guide to create webhooks for Slack, Microsoft Teams and Discord
Comma separated list of email addresses to receive alerts when a particular service is down
builder.Services.AddWatchDogEchoServices(opt =>
opt.EmailAddresses = "[email protected], [email protected]";
SMTP configuration to be used in sending email alerts
builder.Services.AddWatchDogEchoServices(opt =>
opt.MailConfig = new WatchDog.Echo.src.Models.MailSettings
MailFrom = "[email protected]",
MailHost = "",,
MailPort = 465,
Your custom web endpoint to be called if you wish to perform an external action when a service is down.
builder.Services.AddWatchDogEchoServices(opt =>
opt.CustomAlertWebhookURL = "";
Json body to be received by your endpoint
"Description": " failed to respond to echo from",
"Response": "Unable to reach server",
"Server": "",
"HappenedAt": "09/06/2022 11:38"
builder.Services.AddWatchDogEchoServices(opt =>
opt.EchoIntervalInMinutes = 3;
opt.FailedEchoAlertIntervalInMinutes = 60;
opt.ClientHost = "https://localhost:7068";
opt.EchoTargetURLs = "https://localhost:44362";
opt.Protocol = ProtocolEnum.REST;
opt.WebhookURLs = ",{id}/{token}";
opt.CustomAlertWebhookURL = ""
opt.EmailAddresses = "[email protected], [email protected]";
opt.MailConfig = new WatchDog.Echo.src.Models.MailSettings
MailFrom = "test",
MailHost = "test",
MailPort = 465,
MailPubKey = "test",
MailSecKey = "test",
If you decide to perform other actions during failed echos, you can subscribe to an OnEchoFailedEvent
that is been sent for every failed echo.
Create a background service that will listen for this event by creating a class that implements the C# BackgroundService
and subscribe to the event in the ExecuteAsync()
using WatchDog.Echo.src.Events;
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
EchoEventPublisher.Instance.OnEchoFailedEvent += e_OnEventFailed;
while (!stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested)
_logger.LogInformation("Worker running at: {time}", DateTimeOffset.Now);
await Task.Delay(1000, stoppingToken);
static void e_OnEventFailed(object sender, EchoEventsArgs e)
//Handle Echo Failed Event
Console.WriteLine("The host {0} couldnt reach {1}.", e.FromHost, e.ToHost);
To manually check if your server is up and running, head to /echo
, you should get a message that says "Echo is listening".
Feel like something is missing? Fork the repo and send a PR.
Encountered a bug? Fork the repo and send a PR.
Alternatively, open an issue and we'll get to it as soon as we can.