Releases: J35P312/TIDDIT
Added quality value through non-parametric sampling
Improved the zygosity estimate of balanced variation
TIDDIT now requires pysam
Fixed the bug that disabeled read depth genotype classification of CNVs
Fixed a bug that caused TIDDIT to crash if the input contain no SV signatures
improved readme file
changed the expected links2 filter a bit
new default settings
improved singularity image, which is available through singularity hub.
Improved calling on the mitochondria.
Improved CNV classification on chromosomes having strange ploidies
FIxed a bug that caused TIDDIT to crash on bam files contain
Added a singularity image of an environment suitable for installing and running TIDDIT.
Improvement of the GC correction and ploidy estimation.
Improved the ploidy estimation and the manual.
Fixed the broken EL1 and EL2 tags in the vcf header
Added #!/usr/bin/env python to the TIDDIT wrapper
Fixed the readme file
Major update and cleaning of the code!
I added SVLEN to the info field
clearer error messages if the reference of bam file is missing.
I switched the WINA and WINB tag for CIPOS and CIEND
Updated clustering of split reads
the orientation of the BND variants is now printed according to the vcf format.
estimation of ploidy
and many more small fixes!