SAD2XS is a lattice conversion tool, taking a lattice path to a .sad lattice file and outputing an Xtrack Line object.
This project is a work in progress. Tests have been sucessfully performed against FCC-ee. Tests against SuperKEKB have known issues due to the physics model differences between SAD and Xsuite.
Written by John Salvesen and Giovanni Iadarola
With thanks to Katsunobu Oide for their discussion and expertise on SAD
With thanks to Ghislain Roy for his support in testing
Apache License Version 2.0
Please contact [email protected] with queries
No import of solenoid slices. Currently these slices are ignored. Only the DZ geometric correction at the BOUND edge of the solenoid is imported. No import of the other corrections (DX, DY, CHI1, CHI2, CHI3)
No import of maxwellian fringes features in SAD. Not currently available in Xsuite