Currently only supporting macOS development
Going to use Poetry as our virtual environment and package dependency manager. It's robust, user-friendly, popular, and powerful if we need it to be.
python3 -m pip install poetry
cd {insert path to repo parent directory}
git clone [email protected]:JSun14/vball-tracker.git
cd vball-tracker
poetry install
- poetry basic commands (docs page):
- poetry shell: activates the sub-shell for the virtual environment when you are in the vball-tracker folder
- poetry install: either creates or follows an existing pyproject.toml + poetry.lock file in downloading / updating packages.
- poetry install --sync: run this on every branch checkout or pull (will automate this at some point), think it's just a lighterweight command for sync'ing purposes only
- exit (or control d on mac): exits sub-shell for the virtual environment
- poetry add "pypi package name": not only installs the package via pip, but also adds it to the pyproject.toml + poetry lock so that everyone else can get the new package you're adding
- poetry remove "package name": likewise removes it
What do we want to accomplish with this system?
Key Features:
- key feature one
- key feature two