Group project in dart and flutter
Font End | Back End | |
Dart: 2.12.0 (with plugin) | fluttertoast: 8.0.4 | Flask:1.1.2 |
Flutter:2.0.0 (with plugin) | dio: 4.0.0 | Python:3.6.9 |
Flutter Intl:1.14.0 (plugin) | shared_preferences: 2.0.5 | Werkzeug:1.0.1 |
cupertino_icons: 1.0.2 | http: 0.13.1 | CentOS: 7.9.2009 |
image_picker: 0.7.4 | Android studio: 4.1.3 | Sqlite3: 3.7.17 |
flutter_cupertino_date_picker_fork: 1.0.3 | Android SDK: Android 9.0(Pie) | |
date_format: 2.0.2 | flutter_swiper: 1.1.6 | |
permission_handler: 7.1.0 | flutter_sound: 8.1.1 | |
path_provider: 2.0.1 | provider: 3.1.0+1 |
Dart | Flutter | Flutter_Intl |
201.9380 | 56.0.1 | 1.14.0 |
Home page for textual searching, image recognition and voice recognition.
Category page for display data and favorites.
Login/log out / registration: without display because of easily understood.
Click the place pointing at can enter profile to change the user information.
Other functions: Text Size/ Theme Colour/ Night mode