NE555 timer was launched in 1971 and has a history of 50 years. It is easy to use, stable and cheap, so it is still widely used, and its output in 2003 was 1 billion. Now I use NE555 to make an electronic door lock timer. Most of the control parts of electronic door locks use this circuit. The timing method is very simple, 1.1 x RC, which is not very accurate compared with MCU, but it is very simple
Here is a record of my production process.
- NE555 x 1
- 20k Ohm Resistor x 1
- 10k Ohm Resistor x 2
- 4.7k Ohm Resistor X 1
- 3M Ohm Resistor X 1
- 200k Ohm Trimpots x 1
- 100uF 25V Capacitor X 1
- 10uF 50V Capacitor X 1
- 22uF 25V Capacitor X 1
- 220uF 25V Capacitor X 1
- 10nF 50V Capacitor x 2
- M7 Diode(1A 1kV) x 3
- MMBT3904 NPN Transistors x 1
- 12V Relay(SRD-12VDC-SL-C) x 1
- 2x3 pin male header
- Jumper block x 2
- Large Green screw terminals (KF128-2.54-3P) x 1
- Large Green screw terminals (KF128-2.54-4P) x 1
I made a PCB at, which makes it very easy to make!
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