[slack]: http://novamean-slack.herokuapp.com
Mobile Hope is an mobile app to manage the operations of Mobile Hope in Leesburg, VA. The Mobile Hope program is designed to support the needs of precariously housed, homeless and at risk youth living in Loudon County.
- MEAN Stack: MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, Node.js
- Ionic Framework: front-end SDK for developing mobile applications, built on Cordova
- Gulp: task runner
- AWS Cloud: MongoDB in the cloud!
- Front-end testing: TBD
- Protractor: end-to-end test framework for Angular.js (e2e)
- Mocha: javascript bdd testing framework (server)
- Should: expressive assertion library (server)
- Supertest: testing library for node.js HTTP servers (server)
Here is the basic annotated structure of this application:
├── Feature\ Research
├── README.md
├── bower.json manages the production dependencies of the app
├── config.xml apache cordova configuration
├── gulpfile.js defines the application tasks (e.g. gulp watch, gulp test, etc.)
├── hooks/ contains scripts used to customize cordova commands
├── ionic.project ionic project configuration
├── node_modules/
├── notes/
├── package.json defines application identification and dependencies (npm)
├── scss/ contains uncompiled scss for the client app (compiled to ./www/css)
├── server/ contains the express server code
└── www/ contains the client-side application code
We ♥ contributers!
If you want to contribute to this project, claim an issue on the Issues tab, fork the project, and start working! When your feature or bugfix is ready, create a merge request back upstream and we'll take a look!
We manage our issues/planning through GitHub Issues. To come to one of the group meetings, check out our Meetup schedule. To join the conversation, join our team Slack channel. The project Scrum board for managing the project stories/tasks can be found at our Waffle.io board
In general, try to keep your code neat and readable, make sure the test suite passes before creating a pull request, and we'd appreciate test coverage for new features/bug fixes!