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JasXSL edited this page Nov 29, 2017 · 3 revisions
  1. Create a folder for SL libraries on your drive (example C:\LSL)
  2. Download XOBJ as zip and extract the contents of the master folder to your SL libraries directory (C:\LSL). The important part is that you now have C:\LSL\xobj_core & C:\LSL\xobj_toonie folders. If you are familiar with git, you can also git clone and add these folders as symlinks in your libraries directory.
  3. Open a script window in your Firestorm viewer. Click the cogs icon at the top and check Enable LSL preprocessor. Then check Script optimizer and #includes from local disk. The other checkboxes are optional.
  4. Click the ... button and navigate to your libraries directory C:\LSL
  5. Close and re-open your script window. Then hit OK.
  6. Click OK, you are done!
  7. To test if it works create a new default LSL script (hello avatar), and above default add #include "xobj_core/_ROOT.lsl" Then compile. If you get no errors, it worked!
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