Build a map directions web application that could add multiple routes and give you the most efficient path for all the total locations.
Users should be able to:
- Set daily routes
- Be able to modify daily routets
- cancel the route at any time.
- Live Site URL: Shut down due to API limitations and server cost.
This was a team effort with 3 other developers. We developed this website using HTML, CSS and Javascript utilizing the mapbox api. We at first split up the work where 2 of us worked on the backend and one on the front end, but eventually we all coded wherever we saw fit.
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- CSS custom properties
- Mapbx API
- Firebase (deployment)
This was the first project I had really worked with an API and was great experience at the time. Helped me to understand API calls and how to deploy websites live.
Once the semester was over, we were essentially keeping the application live out of pocket for the unversity so we decided to shut it down.
- Mapbox API Documentation - Definitely helped to look at the documentation to understand how to use the API.
- Youtube - Youtube has tons of content using the api so seeing how others developed their apps in their own ways helped.
- Website - Jason Nham
- LinkedIn - Jason_Nham
I'd like to thank my family for helping me and supporting me through my studies.