First contracted project to develop a website in React with a NodeJS backend connected to a MongoDB database for user registration.
- Making a design that was required to fit the image for the client
- Learning the nuances of React
- Live Site URL:
I would set up weekly meetings with the clients to talk about the design of the website, the direction they wanted to take it, changing the content of the website and meeting their requirements.
- ReactJS
- Tailwind CSS
- React Helmett
- Reac Toastify
One of the reasons for developing the website in React is because the client expressed they wanted to begin development with React so they wouldn't need to repurpose the website code if it were developed in HTML. I knew a little bit about React but learned it very quick. I saw why web developed love the framework, essentially because you could create a many reusable components. Also using JSX files meant I could basically type HTML syntax in a js file.
The website is now shipped to them, I was granted permission to host the code on my github to show credit for development.
- ReactJS Documentation - React Docs were just integral for navigating all the different things that React can do.
- Node Package Manager - The great thing about using react is that there were many packages that did custom things I could utilize.
- Tailwind CSS Documentation - Since I was learning a new UI framework, Tailwind, using their docs was amazing. Everything was documented very well!
- Youtube - Youtube is just a great resource for all things. I use it frequently when looking at different APIs, languages or frameworks.
- Website - Jason Nham
- LinkedIn - Jason_Nham
I'd like to thank Footura Club Inc. for hiring me for the development of their website.